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These Mini gourmet bursts of sweetness are a mesmerizing deep violet at their peak! The more sunlight they get, the darker the fruit! A single healthy plant is capable of producing hundreds of these fantastic jewels! This unique heirloom is one of the very best cherry tomatoes and are easy to grow. The fruits are fantastic for salads or to just set out in bowls for snacking. Give the vines plenty of room; they can average 7 feet long or more and will bear through heat until frost, so give them a tall cage for support.


In her blog Lisa Collier Cool asked, "Who knew that the secret to everything from disease prevention to glowing, healthy skin could be found in the world’s most popular fruit?"

Tomatoes are a nutritional powerhouse, due in part to their high amount of lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that can lower the risk of heart disease, improve vision, lower bad cholesterol, and even decrease the risk of 9 common types of cancer. They’re nutrient-dense and low in calories—a cup of tomatoes has only 32 calories! In addition to lycopene, the fruits are also loaded with vitamins A and C.

Tomatoes beautify the skin and may even prevent sunburn. Lycopene boosts pro-collagen, the molecule that keeps your skin firm and youthful looking. The same molecule may also help prevent sunburn and possess anti-aging properties.

Tomatoes shrink stroke risk by over 50 percent!!! The succulent fruit appears to be a boon to brain health. Researchers looked at over 1,000 Finish men to see if higher levels of lycopene in their blood serum reduced the risk of stroke—and sure enough, it did. Participants with more of the antioxidant in their blood lowered their risk of stroke by 55 to 59 percent. The study findings were published in the journal Neurology.

Tomatoes may help head off a heart attack. Maintaining a tomato-rich diet lowers the risk of heart disease (including heart attack, stroke or death from cardiovascular causes) by 30 percent, according to a new study published by the New England Journal of Medicine.

Eating tomatoes boosts bone health—and could even save your life. A review article in American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine showed a link between eating tomatoes and a lowered risk of osteoporosis, the brittle bone disease that can lead to bone fractures, disability, and deformity. The paper also reported that tomato consumption also helps ward off photoaging from UV light, cognitive dysfunction, and cardiovascular disease.

Lycopene in tomatoes may protect against 9 types of cancer. People with higher levels of lycopene in their blood have been shown in some studies to have a lower risk of certain types of cancer—particularly cancers affecting the prostate, lung, and stomach. Lycopene may also decrease risk for cancers of the mouth, breast, pancreas, cervix, colon, and rectum.

Tomatoes may trim risk for Parkinson’s disease. It’s counterintuitive, but early research indicates that foods which contain small amounts of dietary nicotine, including tomatoes and peppers, may help prevent Parkinson’s according to a study in the Annals of Neurology.

Tomatoes promote healthier sleep. The healthiest sleepers consume more lycopene, compared to people who skimp on slumber or snooze too much, according to a new research study from the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine, which was published in the journal Appetite... So, the next time you can’t sleep, reach for a juicy ripe tomato—and rest easy!


At 6 to 8 weeks before the average last frost, sow seeds ¼ inch deep and 1 inch apart in well-drained flats. Seeds will germinate in about 1 week when the soil temperature is 75° to 85°F; at 60°F the germination process can take 2 weeks. In most places, a sunny spot indoors, such as a south-facing window, provides the warm, humid environment young seedlings need. If you don't have sunny windows, use a heating coil for bottom heat and a fluorescent or grow light overhead. Lack of adequate light will make seedlings leggy and weak. Once the seedlings emerge, keep the temperature no higher than 70°F, and water regularly. Once a week, feed with compost tea or fish emulsion, and discard any weak or sick-looking seedlings. When the second set of leaves—the first true leaves—appear, transplant to individual pots or deep containers (such as plastic cups), burying the stems deeper than they stood previously. Whatever container you use, make sure it has drainage holes in the bottom. After this initial transplanting, give the seedlings less water and more sun.

10 seeds