STK_034 Stick man - Playing a Guitar - humorous gift funny custom personalised printed mugs

Our Mugs

This 10 ounce Mug is printed with the same image on both sides. It is Dishwasher and Microwave safe and comes carefully packaged in Polystyrene and then a Cardboard box to prevent damage in transit. We always print the image as "best fit".We never stretch the image. The picture of the mug is for illustration purposes only and the positioning of the image may be slightly different than the picture shown. The colours may vary slightly from what you view due to different monitor settings

Fast Delivery

 We process and despatch orders from Monday to Friday. Where possible we always try to post your order on the same day with the exception of Weekends and Public Holidays

Personalise your mug

We can add a personalisation to your mug apon request, lets us know, and we can make any mug tailor fit for your needs!


If you find that for any reason you are unhappy with your product then feel free to contact us, we can offer a full money back guarantee or replacement if your item is not to your fullest satisfaction. Please allow upto 14 days for return claims to be finalised. We look to resolve all dissatisfaction with these claims before negative feedback is needed.