AQUA AURA NATURAL SHAPED POINT CLUSTER 7.9 cms x 4.3 cms  148 gms 

The photograph is of the actual Aqua Aura point cluster that you will receive and this measures app. 7.9 cms long x 3.3 cms deep x 4.3 cms high and weighs app 148 gms. 

This is a natural Quartz cluster which been treated to create Aqua Aura Quartz. Aqua Aura has gold infused to it in a very high temperature environment. This causes a sheen to the stone at certain angles.

This is an excellent stone for improving psychic skills and awareness. It is excellent for use in psychic healing, meditation and telepathy. Useful also for distance healing as it has an ability to send its energy. This stone is a good stone for enhancing communication skills.

Also said to attract prosperity and success, and even wealth, Aqua Aura is said to assist with throat problems as well as stress-related illnesses and immune system deficiencies.