Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes Ultra  

Embellished Manuscripts 

Great Minds At Work
To inspire the writer, these unique journals portray the work of some of the greatest writers, thinkers and artists of all time. These reproductions of excerpts of original manuscripts, letters, scores and drawings provide a glimpse into the creative process of figures such as William Shakespeare, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Vincent van Gogh.
Includes | Memento Pouch • Ribbon Marker
Attributes | 144 pages • 4" x 5.5"
Lined 978-1-4397-3208-3

Lined 978-1-4397-3514-5
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Capturing the flavour of finely wrought Renaissance-style leather bindings, this intricately embellished book cover reproduces the craft of delicate gold tooling which was brought to Europe via the flourishing trade routes to the East.

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