Mahabharat Hindi/Telugu/Tamil Blu Ray Set

With English Subtitles

Sold and shipped from NJ, US

Available in Hindi, Telugu, Tamil Languages

Starring: Nitish Bharadwaj, Praveen Kumar, Arjun

Mahabharata, one of the epic stories of Hindu religion was composed by the great sage Veda Vyasa consisting of hundred thousand lines in a poetic form.

Mahabharata is an example of a story which illustrates of victory of good over evil. This story is between five brothers who are called pandavas and 100 brothers who are called Kauravas. The Pandavas were the example of good while their cousins symbolized the evil human nature. The kauravas put pandavas and his wife, Draupadi through various ordeals which lead to hatred among the cousins. In conclusion, the pandavas who were responsibly supported by Lord Krishna defeat the Kauravas in an eighteen day battle which is often known as "Mahabharata"