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Epiphone Les Paul/Sg Junior1989-2015
Gibson Les Paul/ Sg Junior 1954-2015
Les Paul/ Sg Junior copies 1954-2015


CTS Control Pot Specs

Resistance 500K-ohm (Volume)
Resistance 250k-ohm (Tone)
Knob type = 24 spline
Shaft diameter 0.235" (5.95mm)
Thread type: 3/8"-32
Threaded portion, 3/8"
Required mounting hole diameter 3/8" (9.52mm)

Capacitor Specs

Brand: CDE
Type: Orange Drop
Value .022uF

Neutrik Rean Output Jack Specs

Mounting hole diameter 3/8" (9.52mm)
Thread 3/8 x 32
Threaded portion height 1/4" (6.35mm


it's now common to find sellers who call their products "premium" or "high end" But. What makes a product premium? is it the parts? No, even when sellers use the same parts, they can still make a poor quality product. Then, is it the price? not necessarily. Where price can mean someone spent more time on it. it can also mean someone bloating their quality to make more money. So, what makes a product premium? to us it's the craftsmanship. not just the craftsmanship of the physical harness itself, but, the craftsmanship of the product as a whole. when we make a product we take a lot of time researching and developing it. we worked out all the small trivial details that truly make the essence of the product. details that people generally over look but details that make it expertly crafted. so, the next time you see someone else's premium harness or product. look past the parts and the price. look at the product as a whole and ask yourself, is it worth your time and money?

Who are We?

Let us start by saying, we are not a big company or manufacture but instead, a small workshop of craftsman that produce small, limited batches of premium products....Read More

History of the Name "Gunstreet"

Dating back to one of Bends Most Iconic and defining eras. The name "Gunstreet" comes from Vintage Bend slang when referring to...Read More


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