1 Gorgeous Tanzine Aura Crystals and 2 Lovely Rose Aura Quartz AKA Raspberry Aura. We did a photo shoot in natural light to show all of there angles!  Perfect crystals for meditation, reiki, crystal healing, wire wrapping, crystal grids, jewelry making, gifting, home decor, alter adornment, etc. 

These are the exact crystals you will receive! Total weight is 8.25 Grams.  The length ranges from 22 mm to 41 mm.  The width ranges from 5 mm to 8 mm.  This is a great little trio of aura Quartz! #91163

We have a wide selection of Aura Quartz in our shop section "Aqua, Tanzan, Rose Aura Quartz". Check it out!

Brought to you by SHINE CRYSTALS a fast growing crystal and jewelry company located in Hawaii.

We combine shipping on your orders at Shine Crystals!

Tanzine or Tanzan is clear Quartz bonded with Gold and Indium, sometimes with additional Niobium.  It forms the most lovely and interesting deep blues and purple infused indigo color tones with an epic metallic surface sheen.  Also known by some as, Azure Aura, Celestial Aura, and sometimes “Tanzanite” Aura. 

 Tanzine Aura facilitates multi-dimensional balance and profound spiritual interconnection, believed to bring connection with Raziel, the Archangel of mysteries and esoteric knowledge. It opens and aligns the Soul Star and highest Crown Chakras, drawing cosmic energy into the physical body and to Earth. It is excellent for meditation, and enkindles a centered “no-mind” state that enhances sensual enjoyment of the world. Tanzine Aura offers deep spiritual comfort, dissolving emotional blockages and replacing them with unconditional love and the sense of being part of a greater soul group. Tanzine Aura is credited with regulating the pituitary, hypothalamus, and pineal glands bringing equilibrium to the system. It supports optimal metabolic and hormonal balance and good assimilation of minerals, resulting in physical and mental well-being. It is also thought to assist in all issues of the head and neck, including vision, memory, and age-related effects on the mind. It may be helpful in treating depression, ADHD, epilepsy, and brain damage after strokes, accident or viral infections. [Hall II, 312-313][Hall En, 180][Eason, 215]

The newly alchemized “Aura” layer of these Quartzes is permanent and will not wash or rub off.  

Tanzine Quartz is a crystal that correlates with upper chakras; therefore, it pairs well with grounding stones, like black tourmaline to recenter, balance and ground back down when needed.

The Color Ray of Indigo  symbolizes wisdom,  psychic awareness, and royalty. A few characteristics of this color include; access to the source of all knowledge, master of one's self, and non-attachment of material things.  Some like to use stones in the indigo color to explore past lives and events from past lives.

I hope you will be intuitive and creative in your own healing and evolution with this one of a kind trio of Aura crystals!