Microworms (Panagrellus redivivus) are a free-living nematode used as a live food for adult fish and baby fish fry. Because they move around and wiggle, microworms are an excellent first food for fish fry as the movement triggers the fry's natural eating reflex. 

Microworms are especially suitable for the following types of fish (this is not an exhaustive list):
  • Bettas
  • Gouramis
  • Angelfishes
  • Barbs and danios
  • Tetras
  • Guppies
  • Tadpoles (okay, I know they aren't fish)
Microworms are extremely easy to culture. All you have to do is prepare a substrate, add some yeast and the starter culture and within a few days (up to two weeks) you will have millions of little microworms swarming in your jar ready to be fed to your fish!

Starting a microworm culture:  Pour about an inch of oatmeal/instant potatoes/flour in the bottom of your culture jar (make sure that the jar has high sides and has a lid with a few holes punched in it). Boil some water and add it to the oatmeal. You want the consistency to be a bit looser than oatmeal that you'd eat. Let the oatmeal cool to room temperature and then sprinkle in some yeast and add the starter culture. Place the culture in a warm (preferably dark) place.

Microworms grow best at 65-85 degrees fahrenheit but can survive temperatures below freezing. 

The starter culture comes with instructions on how to set up your microworm culture and how to use the worms for fish food. 

NOTE: This is NOT a full culture that is ready for harvest. What you will get in the mail is a starter culture to be used to establish your own microworm culture.

FREE SHIPPING!! I will only ship on weekdays since I ship with USPS and I want your microworms to arrive live! Please try and use the tracking option to see when your package will arrive so they don't sit in a hot mailbox for long.  I will combine multiple orders into one shipment, message me if you've ordered any of my other items, please.

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