NOTE: I just received a message from someone on e-Bay accusing me of putting this drum together from parts I had on hand:

Come to think of it, with all your vast knowledge of proper named parts, and fittings, and eras truth be told you probably pieced it together yourself-called it a hybrid (which really doesn't exist)-and hope to get 10 times more than it's REALLY worth from some sucker.....GENIUS!!! Good luck coop!

Aside from being impossible, it is absurd. This drum was found exactly as it appears. I'd like to know how it's possible to obtain un-drilled brass shells like this from the 1930's-40's.  I dont appreciate being accused of trying to scam the public by someone who has absolutely no idea what he is talking about and just wants to cause trouble. 

Here is a really unusual 1940's Slingerland / Ludwig & Ludwig "hybrid" snare drum. solid brass snare drum. I know very little about it other than it sounds great. Lots of wear and tear but overall in nice condition.

The original Ludwig three point strainer ("standard") strainer was broken so a new replacement was installed. It fit the original holes perfectly and is much more functional.

The shell is not the very heavey-weight version but a bit lighter like a Universal model (Ludwig) or a "Professional" model (Slingerland).

Notice the Engraving that says, "Rich Drums N.Y.C. 1950". I have no idea what Rich Drums was.... "Buddy Rich Drums", maybe? :-)

The drum has a W&A tone control. 40 strand snare wires.

Obviously, the hoops are newer replacements.

This may be custom snare drum made from Slingerland "streamlined" lugs that were cut out to fit over the center bead. Slingerland made their metal shell Radio King drums that way in the 1940's.

A very cool, one of a kind hybrid snare drum that sounds really good.

Please ask questions.

And please dont contact me with insulting one dollar offers, like I received from
annaw ( 555Feedback score is 500 to 999). That I dont need. Go find someone else to annoy.