Back in stock! We're proud to be the USA authorized distributor for the full line of products from JCustom manufacturing. All of their parts are of very high quality and they're also quite affordable. The FX bridge is a fixed-bridge alternative to the TransTrem and "S"-Trems vibratos that were installed on most of the Steinberger guitars built in the USA in the 1980's and early 1990's. All of these bridges have the exact same "footprint", which makes these FX bridges very easy to install. The FX bridge will require a shim to raise it to the correct height on your particular guitar. This is a fairly easy job for the "do-it-yourselfer" or you can have the work done by any competent guitar tech. Many players prefer a fixed bridge for its tone and sustain characterstics. Tuning is usually more accurate and "hardtails" typically reduce issues when bending (or breaking) strings. Price includes mounting screws, and allen wrench for bridge adjustment.

Shipping is $7.00 for USPS Priority Mail shipping within the USA. We're happy to ship overseas. Overseas shipping is 30.00. Questions? Please e-mail us before ordering. Review our flawless feedback and order with confidence.  For more information, you can speak to us directly at: 203-395-8013. We will only ship to a verified and confirmed PayPal shipping address. Thank you for your business!