On sale is a pro painted White Scars Army with all the units needed to make a fluffy yet competitive White Scars list. Everything is painted in the White Scars colors with some conversions for the centerpiece HQ models and rugged basing befitting the ferocious sons of the Great Khan.

You can field a CAD or a multitude of White Scars specific formations from the Angel's Death supplement. There are also 3 librarians on bikes included to field a librarius conclave! You also get 3 Grav Centurions for some added punch. Perfect army to buy if you are interested in starting a Space Marine bike based army.

Included in this beautiful army are the following units:

1x Kor'Sarro Khan - on his bike, Moondrakkan, converted using a Dark Angel command squad bike

1x Chaplain - on Bike, Converted from Dark Angels bike

3x Librarians - on Bikes with Force Swords

5x Command Squad Bikes - 1x Apothecary, 4x Grav Guns - Converted using Dark Angels command squad kit

17x Bikes - 2x Grav Gun, 2x Melta Gun, 2x Plasma, 1x Chainsword

2x Attack Bikes - w/ Multi-Melta

3x Centurion Devastators - Grav Cannons ans Chest Mounted Bolters

2x Thunderfire Cannons

2x Techmarines

5x Scouts 

1x Land Speeder Storm - Scout Dedicated Transport - Magnetized Bases

2x Land Speeders - w/ Typhoon Missile Launchers - Magnetized Bases

Will ship out within one business day of purchase. Feel free to ask any questions you may have.
