It`s finally here! The meXXXican pornogangster TxPxFx / PIGTAILS are finally releasing their very first full length album "School of Porn"!
These pornfreaks are active since 2003 and after countless split-releases they are dropping their first album and this is one hell of a sick CD!
The CD contains 15 finest porngrind hymns and a nasty musicvideo of the title-track "School of Porn", fucking awesome partygrind that will make you hit the dancefloor!
TxPxFx / PIGTAILS could get some sick guestvocals to make this excellent album even better, so you can be sure this is the maximum of perverted sickness! The following bands are on this record with guestvocals:

WELCOME TO THE SCHOOL OF PORN: Bondage-Rape-Torture & more

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Versandkosten innerhalb Deutschlands:

1-2  CD´s 2,00 €uro

3-4  CD´s 2,70 €uro

5-8 CD´s 4,50 €uro versichert per Hermes

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Shipping Costs Europe and World

up to 500 gramm 7,00 €uro (registered)

up to 1000 gramm 10,50 €uro (registered)

up to 2000 gramm 20,50 €uro (registered)

Other foreign bidders welcome - please email me about shipping-costs.

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