There are a plenty of flaws. He is NOT 100% complete. Liveman himself has plenty of wear and is dirty. One fin is missing off the right leg and plenty of wear on the lions face. There are two extra lions included, both of them have wear on the faces as well. Plus wear on the chrome shoulder pads. There are parts to an extra bird included as well, but they are in the bag and NO WHERE NEAR complete. 

 The Boxer add ons; I HAVE TAKEN CLOSE UPS OF THE FLAWS. For the green cars, one cab is missing a wheel. the other is sun-damaged and has a part super-glued on. The back parts are both sun-damaged. One has some of the hole/clip broken off, another, the connecting white part is cracked on the seam. For the black car, two clips are broken off and boxers head has been super-glued back together. The helmet part is missing the actual head.