This car dua is virtually new.  The car has been run on a test track forwards and backwards to ascertain that they run properly.   It does.   With the DC wheels this car will run on all DC track with Fleischmann, Roco, Trix, Liliput, etc.  Also runs perfectly on Märklin M, C  and K track.  (Does anyone still use K-Track?)  

This seller’s definition of “virtually new” includes:

1 take it out of its box

2 install Märklin close-couplers

3 install FineScale wheels where available

4 check rolling characteristics

5 put in back in its box

Shipping is generally in Priority Mail boxes which means fixed pricing for shipping.  Most, not all, single items can fit into a medium box which costs US$4.90± for mailing in the US.  Canadian shipments of similar size get placed in plain brown boxes for around US$16.00±.  Shipments to Europe have cost around US$35.   If the postage comes out to less you will receive the difference in a PayPal credit.

PLEASE NOTE :  Postage and shipping costs NOW include $1.93 for the Staples box and packing materials.   Sorry but this seller, refunding excess postage amounts to all, has been taking  a bath on packing materials to the tune of two bucks per shipment... on a brass lok selling for a grand it's not a big deal but... now here do the math (or jump to the next paragraph)  A $28.00± boxcar is on eBay for $14.95 plus $4.90 for postage; eBay charges half a buck to list it, another buck-and-a-half when sold and the postage comes to $4.00± if it's a light car (most are.)  Deduct the $1.93 for the box, peanuts and tape (forget the gas) and the remuneration net is around $8.00.  For a $28.00 boxcar!?!?!   For an hour's labour?!?!  Forgive the tirade but it's good to get it off the chest...  we now resume our regularly scheduled program....

More items are expected to reach eBay as soon the seller forgets how time consuming the process is.  (Enough, enough!  Alright, already!  Basta, basta!  Sell your stuff and get back to playing with trains!)

Other buzzwords for piquing interest: Bavaria, Brawa, Fleischmann, Fuchs, Gutzold, Gützold,  HAG, Hamo, Lemaco, Lemke, Liliput, Marklin, Märklin, Metropolitan, Micro-Metakit, Piko, PME, Roco, Sagi, Trix and all those other names we have not yet heard of or forgotten... like those great little models form PMT with their hidden motors and all-wheel pickup (they cross through turnouts where BR96s stall!)  Alas, all of them that were for sale have been sold, the rest are keepers.