This is a Hunter 25576 ceiling fan recently found in a storage unit... The original box is missing, it was found in the Office Depot box you see in the photos... The screws or bolts for the blades are also missing... The motor was never used... The blades measure 21" long & are unused... There is an unopened bag that has the balancing kit & an unopened bag with very long mounting bolts... There are 1/2 sections of decorative covers that would cover the rod (??)... There are 4 metal fan blade arms... There is no light kit... The instructions are missing so I do not know what other, if any, parts are missing... The color of the metal is gold (It looks a silvery gold to me but my wife says gold)... Please see all photos & zoom in on the parts because I am not certain what, if anything else, is missing... Obviously the motor is untested... If you have any questions feel free to contact me... Buyer pays $49.95 s&h in the U.S. (It weighs nearly 40 pounds)... Thank You!!!!