Panasonic Toughbook CF-19 FJL53AM Intel Core 2 Duo 1.06 GHz 4GB RAM 250 GB HDD

Scuffs and scrapes from daily use. Missing PC card door (removed, not broken).
Please examine pictures for exact condition.

Touchscreen has been tested and is functioning on the Windows Setup screen.

Fresh Windows Vista Business installation with factory disk so it should have drivers.
Can be upgraded to Windows 7 or 10. Drivers for 7 are available on Panasonic's website.

Has internal GPS (not tested), but no fingerprint reader.
Docking functionality also not tested.

Comes with Toughbook only. No charger is included.
Comes with Stylus and Tether, but no hand strap.

For US customers, a charger can be added for an additional $10. Please contact me prior to paying so I can send a new invoice.

CF-19FJL53AM (2009)
1.06 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
250 GB HDD
14900 Hours

I have many Toughbook CF-19s in various stages of function and non function.
If you would like to purchase a lot of multiple Toughbooks (whether working or for parts) please contact me.