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Genuine Lenspen lens cleaning CANON NIKON SONY LENS



High Quality!Brand New!


A superb new tool in optical lens cleaning technology.

Perfect for cleaning binocular lenses, small aperture spotting scopes and telescopes, eyepieces, and other optical items. Comes with a handy retractable dust removal brush and a special non-liquid cleaning element, designed to never dry out. Safe and very easy to use.

Safe to Use on ALL lenses
Flexible Cleaning Tip
Won't scratch or damage lenses
Non-Liquid Cleaning Compund
Will NOT Spill or Dry Out
 Reduces Static Build-Up
Fits Easily into ANY Pocket or Bag

Instruction for Use:
Remove dust particles on lens or display surface with convenient retractable brush
remove cap and wipe the surface with smooth, circular motion of the unique flexible cleaning tip. If some smudges persist, breathe gently on the surface to be cleaned and repeat the process
Replace the cap over the tip and give the cap a half twist. Twisting the cap replenishes the unique cleaning pad

Important: LensPen is designed specifically for optical lenses. Do not use on wet surfaces.


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