These computers are becoming harder to get.  This one is one of the best.  It has an opening book of over 150000 half moves (it might even be 180000) It has a 16 bit processor running at 12 mhz.  I would estmate its playing strength at between 2150 and 2200 ELO about 200 BCF.  It is true that the faster 32 bit version is stronger however this one is easier to calibrate making it easier to play at the lower levels but can be stepped up to playing a much stronger game.

I have had the computer serviced recently.  There are some marks on the board and the wood is lightly crazed.  One of the white knights has a small chip on it but it plays well and has the original mephisto adapter.

I dont have the instructions however I have instuctions from mephisto Berlin which is the same and can photocopy in whatever language is required.

The postage rates are a guide.  I am prepared to shop around for cheaper but be realistic as this item is heavy.