
metal detector  JEOHUNTER 3d georadar gpr

Version Basic System

IL JEOHUNTER e' un metal detector professionale avanzato, computerizzato 3d, di estrema potenza e profondita' di ricerca, con riconoscimento degli oggetti: tipologia del metallo, granzezza ed addirittura visione in tridimensione come essere un georadar, unico al mondo

(THE JEOHUNTER and a metal detector professional advanced, computerized 3d, extreme power and depth of research, with recognition of objects: the type of metal, size and even how to be a vision in three-dimensional ground penetrating radar, unique in the world)


Metal detector avanzato con tecnologia 3d di visuallazione delle immagini del oggetto trovato, equivalente a quella dei georadar, inoltre funzioni aggiuntive perche' prima di scavare si possono vedere sia le immagini del oggetto ed anche la relativa composizione e conduzione se trattasi oro argento o composto di vari metalli ferro ect... oppure se trattasi di vuoti come tombe, tunnel o cavita ect..
(Metal detector with advanced technology 3d visuallazione images of the found object, equivalent to that of the ground penetrating radar, additional features, before digging you can see both images of the object and also its composition and conducting question whether gold or silver is composed of several metals iron, etc., or as in the case of empty graves, tunnels or cavities ect ..)

Jeohunter esegue una scansione in tempo reale ed immediatamente crea le immagini di queste rilevazioni di metalli o tesori e vuoti che siano, direttamente sul propio display computerizzato usando un avanzato programma di algoritmo che nessun altro metal detector o georadar sia in grado di operare come tale.
Per questo, non sono neccessari computer o notebook di supporto o addizionali apparati, il jeohunter ha gia' tutto quanto il neccessario di serie

(Jeohunter scans in real time and immediately creates images of these detections of metals or treasures and voids that are, directly on propio computerized display using an advanced algorithm program that no other metal detectors or ground penetrating radar is able to operate as such.
For this reason, they are not necessary fields or notebook computer support or additional equipment, the jeohunter has already 'everything 
is standard)

With its multi function searching and detection features Jeohunter Basic, ensures its users to search and investigate in very dense and mineral environments on the stiffest surface structures. The main features which seperate it from other detectors are a special interface design offering an easy usage to amateur and professional users and practical searching screen. Having a unique deepness and perfect metal discrimination, this system is capable of very sensitively delivering target signal deepness value. Jeohunder Basic informs the user about the deepness of the target under the ground in terms of "cm", whether the target is a metal or a cavity, is large or small. Jeohunter Basic responds to your all searching and investigating needs in the field with its two different searchcoils. You will enjoy the comfort of having 2 detectors at the same time as you purchase Jeohunter Basic. You will experience the excitement of searching in the deep areas for old metals which have not been explored by anyone before with Optional Deep Searchcoil which has a dimension of 60 x 100 cm; General Searchcoil which has a dimension of 36 x 44 cm.


- algoritmo con intelligenza artificiale
algorithm with artificial intelligence)

- visualizzazione in tempo reale delle immagini in 3D del oggetto
real-time visualization of 3D images of the object)

- visualizzazione in tempo reale delle immagini in 2D del oggetto
real-time visualization of 2D images of the object)

- immagini equivalente alla tecnologia dei georadar gprs
images equivalent to the technology of georadar GPRS)

- capace di salvare le immagini degli oggetti
capable of storing images of objects)

- riporta la dimensione e profondita degli oggetti rilevati
shows the size and depth of detected objects)

- alta precsione nella rilevazione e riconoscimento dei metalli
High precsione in the detection and recognition of metals)

- bilanciamento e definizione del terreno e settaggi automatici
balance and definition of the terrain and automatic settings)

- alta risoluzione dei segnali digitali
high-resolution digital signal)

- segnali altamente conduttivi
(Highly Conductive Signal)

- trasmissione in tempo reale dei dati sul display
real-time transmission of the data on the display)

- previene falsi allarmi
(Preventing False Alarms)

- alta precisione nel inviare i dati al display
(High Accuracy in Transmitting Data)

- perfetta comunicazione ed operativita'
(Perfect Communication and Operation)

- avanzato monitor gia compreso e non richiede notebook aggiuntivi
advanced monitors already included and does not require additional notebook)

- ottima capacita' nel definire il terreno con settaggi di bilanciamento automatico del terreno
excellent ability to define the terrain settings with automatic balancing of the land)


Jeohunter Basic is a detector system which is produced with the cutting-edge technologyand is capable of performing the most advanced metal and cavity detection in the world. Jeohunter Basic which is classified as deep detector inspects the metal targets detected under the ground in four groups as Gold, Non-ferrous, Ferrous and Steel. Besides its success in metal detection and evaluation, thanks to its cavity detection feature, it notifies its user about the structures like graves, cellars, tunnels and caves in real time during the searching. Jeohunter Basic which enables drawing the 3D signal graphics of the targets detected under the ground in real time is the most advanced one among the video systems.


Coil standard (di serie)    Coil optional (opzionale)