Organic Essiac Tea, nurse Caisse’s prized 8 herb recipe!

The Essiac powder has more benefits than the Essiac tea due to the fact that research has shown that consuming the sediment powder provides a more powerful effect.

Burdock root (arctium lappa; niupangzi; tong u-eong), kelp (macrocystis pyrifera), red clover (trifolium pratense), sheep sorrel (rumex acetosella), slippery elm inner bark (ulmus fulva/rubra), turkey rhubarb root (rheum palmatum), watercress (nasturtium officinale), blessed thistle (cnicus benedictus; holy thistle or spotted thistle)

Every herb in Optimally Organic’s Essiac Tea is organically grown under strict organic guidelines. Once harvested, the herbs are air dried and delivered fresh to our packaging facility where they are kept cool and shipped fast. Our herbs are analyzed for quality and true botanical identity and never irradiated or cured with ozone.

The original recipe for this powerful herbal blend was handed down through word of mouth by Northern Canadian Ojibway Indians over the course of hundreds of years. It eventually reached the ear of Canadian Nurse Rene Caisse who became famous for her use of it on patients. She called the blend Essiac, or Caisse spelled backwards. Complimentary attributes were carefully added by Nurse Caisse, in collaboration with Dr. Charles Brusch, to make Essiac Tea a more potent and well-rounded blend. Their extensive tests found this formulation to be the most effective. As trusted friends of Nurse Caisse, we feel blessed to share this with you.

Every herb in Optimally Organic’s Organic Essiac Tea offers a myriad of tried and true benefits. Drinking 1 to 3 ounces per day is one of the greatest things you could do for your well-being, additionally, just 1/2 ounce per day will do wonders for your beloved pets!

Herbal blend includes:

Burdock root is valued by natural practitioners worldwide for bringing subtle strengthening and cleansing to the entire system. This herb has traditionally been used to help a list of debilitating illnesses. It also contains bio-available calcium, vitamin B complex, vitamin E, potassium, phosphorous, chromium, cobalt, magnesium, silicon, zinc, iron, chlorogenic acid, essential oil, flavonoids, inulin, lactone, mucilage, polyacetylenes, resin, tannins, and taraxosterol.

Kelp is a nutrient dense sea vegetable containing a pristine source of naturally chelated minerals, chlorophyll, vitamins, alginate (helps remove radioactive elements and heavy metals from cells), and sterols (reported to exhibit anti-hypercholesterolemic activity in the body). Kelp is also a raw wholefood supplement adjunct that improves intestinal flora and increases the assimilation of other consumed foods within the body. It contains 25 vitamins including A, B1, B2, B6, B12, D and folic acid, carotenoids, pantothenic acid, iodine, potassium, manganese, selenium, and bio-available calcium.

Red clover is known for its ability to cleanse and purify the body. Red clover is one of the richest sources of isoflavones. It also contains bio-available calcium, chromium, magnesium, niacin, phosphorus, potassium, thiamine, and vitamin C complex.

Sheep sorrel is a rich source of oxalic acid, sodium, potassium, iron, manganese, phosphorous, beta-carotene, and vitamin C complex. It acts as a powerful antioxidant and Also contains vitamins A, B and C complex, D, E, K, P and U, bio-available calcium, iron, magnesium, silicon, copper, iodine, chlorophyll, and zinc.

Slippery elm bark contains mucilage (galactose, 3-methyl galactose, hexoses, pentoses, methylpentoses, polyuronides, rhamnose, and galacturonic acid residues), complex carbohydrates, tannins, calcium oxalate, phytosterols, sesquiterpenes,flavonoids, salicylic acid, capric acid, caprylic acid, decanoic acid, and vitamin E.

Turkey rhubarb root is world famous for its benefits and contains an abundance of vitamins, chromium, cobalt, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, zinc, and potassium.

Watercress made of mustard oil glycosides, particularly gluconasturtiin. These glycosides are known to inhibit abnormal cells in the body due to their cytotoxic activity and their ability to activate detoxification enzymes in abnormal cells. Gluconasturtiin can be hydrolyzed into 2- phenethyl isothiocyanate or PEITC. Contains high levels of vitamins A and C, iodine, bio-available calcium, mustard oil glycosides, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B-6 folate, and amino acids.

Blessed thistle has been recommended for years by herbalists to fight invaders. 

Essiac Tea herbs is excellent for skin conditions when made into a topical poultice!

Directions for making a topical poultice: place 1 teaspoon of Essiac Tea Herbs in a cup and add several drops of water until you have a thick paste. Apply to affected area and cover loosely with a bandage, letting your skin breathe. For best results, add 2 drops of fulvic acid X350 to the mixture.

For general well-being, we recommend just 1 to 3 ounces of brewed Essiac tea per day. For serious issues, we recommend 9 ounces of brewed Essiac tea per day. It is important to NOT strain off the herbs when making your tea. Consuming the herbs with the tea dramatically increases the potency and effectiveness of this powerful blend.

Directions for general use: take a pinch of powdered Essiac Tea Herbs (approximately 1/4 teaspoon) and add to 3 1/2 ounces of boiling water (the water will boil down to about 3 ounces once brewed).  Boil for 10 minutes with a cover, remove from heat, and let sit for an hour or more (up to 12 hours) before drinking. We recommend just 1 to 3 ounces of this brewed tea per day. Refrigerate unused portion and drink cold or hot within 14 days. DO NOT strain off the herbs. These powdered herbs are fine enough to be taken as you drink the tea. Brewed Essiac tea may be added to any juice or a smoothie. For best results, drink on an empty stomach and use with Optimally Organic Fulvic Ionic Minerals. DO NOT TAKE IF PREGNANT OR LACTATING.

Once the Essiac tea herbs are brewed they should be consumed within 14 days

Directions to make a 2 week supply for a therapeutic dose of 9 ounce of brewed tea

  • Boil 132 ounces of purified or distilled water in a large pot
  • Add 4 ounces of loose Essiac powdered herbs
  • Simmer on medium heat for ten minutes, stir occasionally and keep covered
  • Remove from heat and let sit at room temperature for 4 to 12 hours
  • After 4 to 12 hours, stir well to create an even mixture and pour the entire contents into a clean glass bottle using a funnel, keeping the herbs in the mixture