Vintage Murano Art Glass Table Lighter, Seguso, Barbini, Bullicante, Sommerso, Orange

This atomic orange (very vibrant) Vintage MURANO ART GLASS Table Lighter, in shape of an Alladin or Genie’s Lamp and attributed to designers Archimede Seguso and/or Alfred Barbini, of spiraled encased glass (Sommerso), permeated with a plethora of controlled bubbles (Bullicante) and REAL GOLD flecks (Aventurina), is believed to have been manufactured by the BAROVIER & TOSO Glass Company, located in Murano, an island off the coast of Italy, around the early 1960’s.

This is absolutely an object of art, and should be prominently displayed, either, in conjunction with other objects in a vignette, or solely, as I have so done in this listing's appended photographs, on top of a stand or a beautifully polished stone surface. The polished stone stand is not for sale, but if you fancy it, I might be persuaded to part with it, should you make me a fair offer.

This MURANO ART GLASS Table Lighter measures approximately 7.5 inches at the longest portion, and is 4 inches in height.

The glass portion of the lighter is in PERFECT CONDITION, both outwardly and within the reservoir which accommodates the removable lighter portion. The solid brass lighter and attendant reservoir liner are mostly shiny, (I believe it could use a nice polishing, although some are actual non-removable scratches), but since I have not filled it with fuel, I can ONLY ATTEST TO THE FACT THAT ITS FLINT DOES FIRE, and does so, in a strong/vibrant manner.