Etheric Rescue. Orange / Orange. Shakes together as: Orange. Chakra: 2nd Chakra

Main Theme: To get it together again. Shock and its consequences on all levels. Cleanses the etheric gap. For any form of shock, particularly those in deep shock. The shock absorber

Dominant Characteristics: A very independent person who is creative, possesses deep, instinctive wisdom, and who learns from his own insights and by teaching others. Is intelligent and cautious and not given to excess in any way. A "juicy" person. Acts rather than reacts. Is able to feel deep joy.

Distinctive Qualities: Belongs to the Chakra Set. Second Chakra. On the left side of the body is the "etheric gap" where the "true aura" moves in intense and sudden situations. The constants of this bottle, if applied as suggested, can bring the aura back to its original position. This has a radical effect, very quickly restoring the person's energies and vitality on all levels. Due to these fantastic effects, Bottle #26 is the most popular bottle in the Aura-Soma system.

The Equilibrium bottles are the heart of Aura-Soma System. The bottles contain the living energies of herbs, essential oils, gems and crystals that are especially color-coded to bring harmony and balance to our aura and energy centers.

WHAT IS AURA-SOMA COLOR-CARE-SYSTEM: Through this exiting color system, we can use the dynamic, living energies of nature to help us in so many ways...

Awaken the enthusiasm for life.
Find more ease in our relationships.
Appreciate ourselves and our talents.
Experience more love and caring in our lives.
Rebalance, revitalize and harmonize our energies.
Reconnect with our inner selves and intuition.

HOW TO USE: To release the energies of the Equilibrium, take the lid of the bottle and seal it with the middle finger off the left hand. Shake the bottle vigorously until the two liquid fractions mix together. Pour some into the right palm and rub it on the body where you wish, or place the Aura-Soma color oils in bands around the body. All Aura-Soma 50ml Equilibriums are made in beautiful clear glass. For external use only. No animal byproducts.

DISCLAIMER: Each bottle responds uniquely to the owner's energy and may change color or consistency upon use. Aura-Soma is known to allow for deep healing of all kinds however results do vary. Please do not depend on Aura-Soma instead of medical attention, but as a wonderful healing aid.