McGill                            Commercial House

Item location: SINGAPORE


for Cameras with 52mm-67mm Ø 

Includes the following:

1) MSN-202 Lens with universal lens adapter only

Revolutionary macro lens which increases the macro shooting ability of your compact cameras tremendously! 

Start taking highly-magnified pictures of plants and insects to amaze your friends!

    The MSN-202 Super Macro Lens from Japan offers an astounding diopter strength of +25 diopter, more than 3x that of the DCR-250! With a 3-group/4-element optical design, it is the culmination of more than 40 years of Japanese lens technology. The MSN-202 seems to be a unique lens with no equal market competitor! 

    Due to the extreme magnification of the MSN-202 Super Macro Lens, a shallow depth of field might result, with a focusing distance of around 3-6cm only. Thus it may present some challenge to the less patient user or beginner in macrophotography, but it is easy to overcome with much practice and is definitely worth the trouble when you get a great shot! 

Click on pictures for details.

  • 1-year from date of purchase. Buyer is to be responsible for return shipping fees if product is sent for repair.

NOTE: We reserve the right to cancel orders from certain countries.



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