A Mile Down: The True Story of a Disastrous Career at Sea

Paperback / Softback
Vann, David
Random House UK
256 pages; 198 x 129 mm
Bootskauf, Englisch; Reisebericht/Erlebnisbericht, USA, Autobiography: general, Travel writing, Sailing, Memoirs, Shipbuilding technology, engineering & trades, A Mile Down, American fiction, American novel, Aquarium, Caribou Island, Colm Toibin, Cormac McCarthy, David Vann, Dirt, great American novel, great American writer, international bestseller, Julie Myerson, Legend of a Suicide, Prix Medicis Etranger, Ross Raisin, USA, William Faulkner, sailing, sea, ocean, ship building, Turkey, sailboat, shipwreck
EUR 12,50 (inkl. MwSt.)
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A Mile Down
Internationally bestselling author David Vann tells the true story of building his own sailing ship and of the disastrous voyage that ensues in this inspirational memoir of discovery and reconciliation.
In this inspirational memoir, internationally bestselling author David Vann tells the true story of building his own sailing ship and of the disastrous voyage that ensues.

As a thirty-year-old tourist in Turkey, David Vann stumbles across the steel frame of a ninety-foot sailboat and decides to fulfill a long-buried dream: he will rebuild the boat. From friends, family, and credit cards, he borrows $150,000 to construct the ship and achieve his ambition.

However, when the Turkish builders take shameless advantage of him, eventually charging him over $500,000, Vann finds himself on the edge of financial ruin and decides to start a chartering business. Battling with construction nightmares, spiraling debts and freak storms, Vann begins to wonder if he is merely repeating his father's failures at sea, and a career that led to tragedy.

At once a page-turning memoir of adventure on the open ocean and a tale of one man's attempt to overcome fate and realise his dream, A Mile Down is an unforgettable story of struggle and redemption by a writer of rare power.
"You gaze entranced as his destiny unfolds...Vann pulls off the most gripping passage of sea-catastrophe writing I have read outside Conrad, a chest-tightening, concretely detailed, cold, sickening and cumulatively desperate depiction of life turning murderous." Spectator
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