Braun Silk-Expert IPL BD 5008 with Braun Face facial cleansing brush

Braun Silk-expert is a ground-breaking IPL system which results in permanent visible hair reduction in as little as four treatments. It works beneath the skin's surface by targeting the melanin in the hair follicle, helping to break the cycle of hair re-growth. With continued, regular use, it helps prevent unwanted hair from reaching the skin's surface.

Skin tone varies across different parts of the body, with each tone requiring a specific energy level to target the melanin. Only Braun Silk-expert has the unique SensoAdapt™ skin tone sensor which continuously reads your skin tone – 80x per second – and automatically adapts the light intensity for best efficacy and safety. This removes the guesswork of having to match your skin tone against the complicated colour matching charts other devices require.

Is IPL right for you? - Braun Silk-expert IPL is most effective on light to medium skin tones with hair ranging from natural blonde to dark brown or black. The device is least effective on very blonde, red, grey or white hair where the smaller amount of melanin does not absorb the light.