These are a Nepenthes hybrid cultivar 'Aponi' - a cross of (kampotiana x maxima) with bongso.  

They are two fresh cuttings taken from the upper vine of the mother plant in photo 1 They are a vigorous and easy to grow Nepenthes. One cutting has 1 pitcher . The other cutting without the pitcher has several leaf cuts below the media which can send up new basal growths in the future. The buy it now price ($29) is for two cuttings (one of the three has been sold) . I will accept the following offers ; $19 for one cutting with its pitcher (removed from pot and wrapped in lfs), $12 for the cutting without a pitcher (removed from pot and wrapped in lfs).

They grow well in intermediate conditions-- (55~60*F at night, 70-85*F during the day.). They need strong filtered light and/or strong florescent light and good humidity. Can be grown in greenhouses, sunrooms, or as houseplants near south, east, or west window if using a terrarium, a humidity tray, and/or frequent misting.

These cuttings need to be kept under high humidity for about a month.

Photos 1 is a close up of its mother plant with lower pitchers. Photo 2 & 3 are two of 3 cuttings for sale. (The pitchers are lighter because they are uppers.)

I will ship both cuttings potted if 2 are purchased as the buy it now. Accepted offers of individual cuttings will be shipped out of pot wrapped in lfs.  All shipments by USPS-priority mail, Mon. thru Wed. 

Only US destinations please.

 Thanks, Andy