Asahi Pentax SV 35mm SLR Film Camera w/ Exposure Meter & 55m F/1.8 Lens


 - Tested and works. The shutter and shutter speed : Working and accurate. Without any fungus and haze on the finder. The mirror has small scratches. The lens has light haze inside. It does not effect to the images, protective metal on ouside of lens has slight denting which does not affect images.
 - Please refer to the photo for details about its condition.
 Camera : Pentax SV Body
  -  good
  - Works perfeclty.
  - Pentax-55 mm F/1.8 Lens
  - There are light haze inside.
  - It does not effect to the images.

- Pentax SV Body
- Pentax-55 mm F/1.8 M42 Lens
- Pentax Clip On CdS Exposure Light Meter