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Canons de la Victoire: L'Artillerie de Cote et l'Artillerie de Tranchee Vol. 3 by Francois Vauvillier 9782352501619 (Paperback, 2010)


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Product details

Language of text:
9782352501619, 978-2352501619
Francois Vauvillier
Histoire & Collections
Les Materiels de l'Armee Francaise
Histoire & Collections
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
186mm (w) x 239mm (h) x 7mm (d)


This third volume of the Guns of Victory collection reviews two quite different types of equipment. Firstly, the Coast Artillery, which as such played a very discreet role because the Allies had mastery of the seas. Most of the guns however became famous in another role, installed on railway carriages or on various other means of land transport adapted to a static war. The second group, the Trench Artillery, did not exist in France at the beginning of the war and had to be developed in chaotic conditions in the unexpected context of the colossal siege warfare imposed on the belligerents on the Western Front in the autumn of 1914. From the modest grenade launcher to the gigantic 340mm trench mortar, this very structured volume deals with all the models of this frontline artillery, scrupulously following the pattern of the two previous volumes.

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Canons de la Victoire: L'Artillerie de Cote et l'Artillerie de Tranchee Vol. 3 by Francois Vauvillier 9782352501619 (Paperback, 2010)

UK delivery is usually within 11 to 13 working days.
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Unfortunately this item will not arrive before Christmas.

Product details
Language of text:French
Isbn-13:9782352501619, 978-2352501619
Author:Francois Vauvillier
Publisher:Histoire & Collections
Series:Les Materiels de l'Armee Francaise
Imprint:Histoire & Collections
Publication date:2010-09-30
Product dimensions:186mm (w) x 239mm (h) x 7mm (d)

This third volume of the Guns of Victory collection reviews two quite different types of equipment. Firstly, the Coast Artillery, which as such played a very discreet role because the Allies had mastery of the seas. Most of the guns however became famous in another role, installed on railway carriages or on various other means of land transport adapted to a static war. The second group, the Trench Artillery, did not exist in France at the beginning of the war and had to be developed in chaotic conditions in the unexpected context of the colossal siege warfare imposed on the belligerents on the Western Front in the autumn of 1914. From the modest grenade launcher to the gigantic 340mm trench mortar, this very structured volume deals with all the models of this frontline artillery, scrupulously following the pattern of the two previous volumes.
About Wordery
Wordery is one of the UK's largest online booksellers. With millions of satisfied customers who enjoy low prices on a huge range of books, we offer a reliable and trusted service and consistently receive excellent feedback.We offer a huge range of over 8 million books; bestsellers, children's books, cheap paperbacks, baby books, special edition hardbacks and textbooks. All our books are dispatched from the UK. Wordery offers Free Delivery on all UK orders, and competitively priced international delivery.#HappyReading