ALL items are sent SIGNED FOR within the UK and INTERNATIONAL TRACKED and or SIGNED FOR outside the UK. We aim to have your order processed and out the door within 24-48 hrs


This is a near exact reproduction, made in the same way, in most cases, with the same materials and processes, when possible, they are made to a very high quality and look exactly like the original. But please note that they are reproductions and may differ slightly from a 30 year old item. It is often best to replace sets of items to hide any slight differences. It is, however, a perfect way to finish off your favourite old toy. 


White metal items that are listed are just that, white metal. They are not as hard wearing as the original item and are purely decorative and may need any flash cleaning up before fitting.

I have lots of other reproduction parts available for all TV related Dinky and Corgi toys. I can also get just about any Corgi or Dinky replacement part you might need. So just ask and I will see if it is available. It takes approximately 3-4 weeks from ordering and payment until you receive the item/s

Please take a moment to have a look at my other items on eBay. If you don't see what you want, just drop me an email and I will endeavour to get what you require. Items that are out if stock can have a lead time of up to three weeks (worst case scenario) so please be patient. This is because they are made to order. 

If you require multiple items, in some cases, due to the thickness of the package, postage can increase but the way eBay works is you end up paying for the postage on every item you purchase. Please don't worry about this, as you can “request total from Seller” in your basket or I will refund any excess postage less the fee charged by eBay, which is NON refundable by them. The usual case is you pay the highest postage on your multiple items. e.g. if you have two items and one is £3.75 and the other £5.00, you will pay the £5.00 and the £3.75 less eBay’s fee (10%) will be refunded.

The other way to do it is you can give me a list of what you want and I will put a special order on eBay under your name and you can pay for it in one go and the postage will be calculated accordingly. Or call/text me on +44(0)7545862096 to discuss other options

Now the nasty stuff.....

Due to unscrupulous buyers, spoiling it for others, I will now, only send Royal Mail Signed For or International Tracked/Signed. This way it is recorded that an item has been received. Please be aware that sometimes it can take up to six weeks for International delivery, depending on your country. I don't mind sending internationally but please note NO PO BOXES (Except Australia) only proper addresses as it can't be signed for on delivery otherwise and gets returned.