This is a used Shakespeare Sigma Supra Graphite 9 foot fly rod.  It is model FY 1001 and is rated for a 10 weight line.  It is in very good used condition with a few tiny scratches in the finish but all of the guides, ferrule, handle, and rod sections are in very good condition.   It had no fabric cover or tube when we found it.

Shakespeare Fly rods are typically low priced but generally highly rated by users.  Newer ones we could find reviews on were all four piece rods but this one is a two piece rod.  We were unable to find any like it being offered.  We are guessing that it was an earlier version that is no longer available so we thought we would offer it. .  This model appears to be very well made with ceramic line guides used in every guide which we have not seen,  somewhat unusual.  The handle is very solid and also appears solid and tough.  We thought the rod might appeal to someone who has owned one previously and needs a replacement tip or someone who is taking a kid fishing and does not want them breaking your precious, but fragile, Sage or R. L. Winston.   We will ship it for the actual cost of shipping with no additional service or handling fees.