
A nuclear explosion plunges a group of Kansas residents into a fraught battle for survival in this post-apocalyptic serial drama. Isolated from the rest of the country in the small town of Jericho, and unsure of the cause behind the explosion, uncertainty and chaos reigns supreme. Chief among the survivors is Jake Green (Skeet Ulrich), a prodigal son who returned to Jericho after his grandfather died. But his uncanny skill with a gun and ability to perform complicated medical procedures provoke troubling questions about his shadowy past. Rifts form among the townsfolk as survival instincts take over, while others fight to maintain order among the ashes. As the series proceeds, its rich ensemble of characters come ever closer to the reasons for the strange new world they are faced with. Originally cancelled by CBS, loyal fans successfully lobbied to have the show continued for a second series. It won't take new viewers long to see what all the fuss was about...