Offering for sale 18 inch Kieffer Wien DL Professionell dressage saddle, in very good condition, black, super comfy, correct leg position and sits nicely on horse - some wear from normal use, a few very small scratches, not visible in show ring. Took me nicely through training and first level - fit my TB/Appy nicely - 7" gullet.

Elegant for showing or practical for schooling - Nice saddle!

extra bonus white waffle square pad and cashel riser if wanted to go with it -

will consider a trial if buyer pays shipping

Update - I just added some more pics with a tape so you can see gullet and tree width better. I believe this is a Medium tree - 7 inches from ring to ring, then 10 inches below that at spread of tree over withers. When I measure the base of the tree from bottom edges of tree as it would sit over the shoulders I get 30 cm which translates to Med tree. My horse is a TB/App 16.1 who I rode in this and it fit him well - he is right in the middle, neither wide nor narrow. 

The number imprinted on the underlay of the flaps is 412056 6 (1). Ill attach the pic of that as well.