Pots de Crème

Set of Seven  (7) Pots and Lids


Gorgeous set of seven (7) lidded Pots de Crème produced between 1700s and 1900s in Limoges France. Top quality fine porcelain. 

Beautiful high quality white on white embossed porcelain design with lovely sprays of gold and rust colored flowers and leaves. Entire pot is covered with intricate designs and shapes...from the embossed detail around the top of pot, to the scalloped bottom and exquisitely designed handle. 

The lids have a gold band around the edge and a gold acorn-shape knob on top. Gold also adorns the outside of the cup handle.

These little French pots are absolutely exquisite and in pristine condition.

If you have made Pots de Crème desserts before, then you know what a classy French dessert presentation these little pots make.

Approx Dimensions:
3.75" H w/ lid & 2.5" H w/o lid 
2.25" Rim to Rim
3.5" W (incl handle) 
4 oz capacity

So elegant and versatile. Will add grace and elegance to any table.

WOW your family and guests with an elegant French dessert in these gorgeous little pots!

These came from a luxurious estate in La Jolla, CA. 

(no chips, cracks, or crazing)

I prefer to think of this as a set of 6 with a spare!

Thank you for looking!