Little Live Pets Snuggles My Dream Puppy


Little Live Pets Snuggles My Dream Puppy

    Little Live Pets Snuggles My Dream Puppy

    Bring home man's best friend with Little Live Pets Snuggles My Dream Puppy. This no-mess pup is looking for love and a new best friend, so give him all the belly rubs and ear scratches that he deserves. As you pat the pooch's head or stroke his tummy, he'll react and behave in different ways, just like a real puppy! Snuggles' expressive blue eyes let you know when he's feeling playful or ready to cuddle up in your arms for a relaxing nap. Your canine companion will also let you know when he's thirsty and craving a sip from the bottle of milk. You won't be able to resist adding Snuggles to your family!

    Product Highlights

    • Snuggles is a fully interactive friend who moves and acts just like a real puppy with a pat of the head or rub of the tummy
    • Opening and closing eyes for realistic reactions to your scratches and cuddles
    • Feed the pooch from the milk bottle to help him doze off to dreamland
    • With lifelike features, such as the big blue eyes and soft fur, Snuggles makes an adorable pet that you'll love giving plenty of hugs and attention to
    • Fill out the adoption certificate to make Snuggles an official part of your family
    • Requires four AAA batteries (included)
    • Recommended for ages 4 years and older

    What's Included

    • Little Live Pets Snuggles My Dream Puppy
    • Milk bottle
    • Adoption certificate
    • Four AAA batteries
    • Instruction manual
    Canine companion
    Snuggles is looking for a new best friend just like you! With lifelike reactions and expressive eyes that open and close, you'll love patting this pooch's head or rubbing his belly.
    Yummy treat
    Feed Snuggles with the bottle of milk when he's thirsty to put him in a peaceful state of relaxation. This puppy loves to cuddle up in your arms and drift off to sleep after his meal.
    Cute and playful
    Who could resist those big blue eyes and soft, shiny coat? Give Snuggles a place to call home by welcoming him into your family.

    Product Description

    Hi! I'm Snuggles, your Dream Puppy! I move and feel just like a real puppy. Hold me in your arms and give me a hug. You wont be able to resist my big brown expressive eyes. Feed me with my bottle and I'll fall asleep in your arms and dream about you! I'm looking for someone just like you to be my best friend. I even come with an adoption certificate for you to fill in make me your own! Snuggles is the no mess pup who loves to be loved! Snuggles moves, feels and responds just like a real puppy does. With a pat of the head or a rub of the tummy, Snuggles behaves in different ways. Realistic and fully interactive, all Snuggles needs is a best friend like you!

    The Little Live Pets Snuggles My Dream Puppy Features:

    • Hi! I'm Snuggles, your Dream Puppy! I move and feel just like a real puppy. Hold me in your arms and give me a hug.

    • You wont be able to resist my big brown expressive eyes. Feed me with my bottle and I'll fall asleep in your arms and dream about you! I'm looking for someone just like you to be my best friend.

    • I even come with an adoption certificate for you to fill in make me your own! Snuggles is the no mess pup who loves to be loved! Snuggles moves, feels and responds just like a real puppy does.

    • With a pat of the head or a rub of the tummy, Snuggles behaves in different ways. Realistic and fully interactive, all Snuggles needs is a best friend like you!



    1.5 pounds

    11.8 x 9.8 x 7.8