St. Croix Legend Elite refurbished spinning rod.
6'3" Medium power, extra fast action SCV graphite

St. Croix refurbished fishing poles are rods that were brought back to St. Croix, under product warranty, with defects. These defects rage from loose corks, to broken eyes and rod tips.  The warehouse scratches off the  St. Croix logo voiding any other warranty for the rod.  St. Croix wont accept returns at this point and all rods are sold as is. The fishing poles are fully functional due to all fixes being done, professionally,  in the factory.

"I have personally used refurbished St. Croix rods for years and love them." 

This particular fishing pole was originally 6'8" and is now 6'3" so a few inches of rod tip was
lost but the extra fast action tip almost makes up for the missing length.  This pole is still a great all around rod!

You get an amazing rod for a fraction of the price."

If you have any questions about the rods or others that I have available, feel free to contact me.

Good Luck On The Water!!!