A version of Risk based on The Lord of The Rings

The map is of Middle Earth, and the tokens represent armies of that fictional world.

Includes leaders, missions and sites of power

The One Ring acts as a timing mechanism, when it leaves the board, the game ends.

Components for the "Two Towers edition" include miniatures representing

40 Elven Archers/Orcs
12 Riders of Rohan/Dark Riders
6 Eagles/Cave Trolls
& 2 shields 

per colour.

Plus the hard to find expansion

This set adds a board with the remaining areas of the map to include Gondor, Mordor and Haradwaith along with additional units and cards for all 4 players (yellow, green, black and red).

Also included is a bonus 2-player game centered on the siege of Minas Tirith with the play area for that on the reverse side of the board.

Each expansion army (good: yellow and green; evil: black and red) consists of:

  • 21×1-battalion [elvish infantry/orcish crossbowmen],
  • 6×3-battalions [cavalry/warg riders],
  • 4×5-battalions [ents/oliphants]
Unfortunately, although the games are both complete there is no separate box for the expansion set. Everything does just about fit in the standard box.