Lightly used. Barely worn. Still smells new. Wore it for one outing and wanted to "save" them. Stored them in a nice bag in my closet. Many years passed. Never rode my bike and it got sold. Now these gloves and other gear are for sale. 

The Held Phantom gloves were the best of the best gloves on the market when they were first released. Now, many years later, there are still very few gloves that come close to surpassing them in terms of quality, protection and comfort. In the constantly advancing world of protective gear, it is very rare for something to still be rated this highly when other brands have had years to catch up.

Held used nothing but the best high end Kangaroo leather for the main construction of the glove, with it doubled up in the palm for extra protection. All of it is held together with flat seems to keep you from feeling any pressure points when you bend your fingers. Vegan’s may want to stop reading now, because Kangaroos weren’t the only animal to give up their hide to protect your hands. Held also used incredibly abrasion resistant Stingray leather to add another dimension of protection to the palm and the tops of the knuckles on the pinky and ring finger. This stingray leather is backed by shock-absorbing gel pads that reduce the amount of energy transmitted to your hand and wrist in the event of a fall. On top of the hand you’ll find that the knuckles are covered by a carbon fiber shell, but not the kind you typically see. Held coats this protector in a ceramic/polymer matrix that has been woven with Kevlar fiber. Carbon fiber is also found on the side of the hand and wrist.

The interior of the glove soft kangaroo leather with shock absorbing Suprotect and Kevlar lining the top half of the glove. This lining runs down the tops of the fingers and completely surrounds the pinky. The fact that the underside of the palm doesn’t have a thick lining means that they are very comfortable, flexible and provide excellent feedback from your bars.

Held set the standard with the Phantom and other manufacturers have been playing catch up years. They sold for $289.99, but with the ability to survive multiple crashes, the Held Phantoms will last you much longer than just about any glove (other than the flagship Held Titan) which makes them well worth the price-point. 

The knuckles are protected by a carbon fiber shell that has been lined with ceramic/polymer matrix and Kevlar fiber.

The palm of the Phantom glove features two layers of Kangaroo leather and a large stingray leather patch that sits on top of energy absorbing gel.

Stingray also protects the knuckles on your pinky and ring finger.

The palm side is a supple kangaroo leather that is very supple and provides a great deal of feedback and comfort. You can also see the woven Kevlar that protects the top of the hand and fingers. Suprotect shock absorbing foam pads are found underneath the Kevlar throughout the top and thumb.