The POWER BALANCE SILICONE WRISTBAND helps you to bring the best out of yourself. in the necklace is a special hologram inserted that optimises the energy field of your body. This principle is well known in Asiatic culture. You can test the effects of the power balance silicone necklace easily at home.

Far Eastern culture, saying that well-being depends on the natural energy flow finds more and more acceptance in the western world. Power Balance TM was developed based on that knowledge. The Power balance TM holograms are integrated in appealing bracelets and necklaces, but they are also available as stickers that can be attached directly on the body.


This Holograms are very solid and waterproof and can be used over several years when handled properly. The silicone and neoprene bracelets fulfil both high-quality standards and resistance and are optimal for use in sports. They dry quickly and offer long-lasting comfort during sports. They can even be washed if needed. That way, they can be worn at any kind of sport, whether for golf, skiing, snowboarding, football, running, mountain-biking, swimming, basketball, riding, hockey, ice-hockey, kite- and wind-surfing, surfing or any other kind of freestyle sports.