I have just seen what these are selling for and decided to sell mine. You will see from the pictures that I spend lots of time using a DAC and most of the time with a Nu Force iCon so the old CD PLAYER has very little use.

I recently sold my Cyrus CD8 and believe me if I say the CD-63 was a very close second and MUCH better than my NAD and Cambridge Audio players.

I don't have a remote but they're available for very little £2 from China to £10 ish in U.K. on eBay.

I have offered it as fixed price based on the figures they seem to be bidding for.

I have kept it down based on no remote and 3 small scratches as detailed in photos. I have not tried to cover them up but if stacked, you wouldn't see 2 of the, and it could so easily be touched up.

It's in perfect working order and was listing to CD when advertising.