Arjuna Powder (Terminalia Arjuna)

Family Name: Combretaceae

Ayurvedic Properties

Rasa (Taste): Astringent, Bitter

Virya (Action): Cooling

Vipaka (Post Digestive Effect): Pungent

Guna (Quality): Light Dry

Unique Property: Cardio protective

Arjuna is a heart tonic that helps to maintain a healthy heart. It helps to reduce the effect of stress & nervousness. It helps to promote healthy heart functioning. It also helps to maintain blood pressure as per normal person.It helps to improve pumping action of heart.

Arjuna Powder: The bark of tree contains natural alkaloids which may be useful for natural care of heart problems. Although there are many other herbal remedies for heart but Arjuna is unique in its action.

Other Benefits

  • It helps to maintain healthy cholesterol level which is already within the normal limits.
  • It helps to maintain healthy blood pressure.
  • Helps to support calmness & relaxation of body.
  • It has stimulant effect on heart & act as heart tonic.
  • It helps to regain the strength of bones.
  • It helps to induce sense of well being.

According to Ayurveda: Heart problems occur due to vitiated doshas (Humors) that is due to vitiated Vata (Air), Pitta (Fire) and Kapha (Water).

  • Vata (Air) type Heart Problem: When the Pain is acute and shifting in nature.
  • Pitta (Fire) type Heart Problem: When the burning sensation is also present with Pain.
  • Kapha (Water) type Heart Problem: When there is heaviness in chest, nausea and mild Pain.

How to use Arjuna Powder

  • For Healthy Heart: Make a decoction of "Arjuna Powder" with milk. Dose of Arjuna 1-2 gram. Take it empty stomach on every morning.
  • For Bones Health: Arjuna Powder helps the bones to regain their strength. It can be given with honey.
  • For Healthy Function of Stomach: A decoction of the Powder taken in dose of 15-20 gram for healthy function of stomach.
  • Its decoction helps to maintain healthy menstrual cycle.

Arjuna Tea: It is a purely herbal formulation for healthy heart. The regular use can get the benefits of it with in first week of its usage. It is unique gift of nature for healthy heart.

Serving Size: Take 5 gms (half to one tea-spoon) 2 times a day Arjuna Powder with water 1-2 hrs after meals. Take first dose after breakfast. If you are mixing with other herbs, use Arjuna proportionately or consult your health care provider

Decoction: Take 3-4 tea-spoon Arjuna & boil it in 300 ml of water on medium heat. when it becomes 70 ml then strain the water & drink it after meals.

*This powder is potentiated while mixing with the decoction (Bhavna process)/juice of the same herb.

Caution: Pregnant/Lactating women, children or with any known pre-existing condition one should take under the advice of your health care provider. Keep away from the reach of children.