CO2 Drop checker tester PH reagent for nano planted aquarium

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CO2 Drop checker

Maintaining proper Carbon Dioxide (CO2) levels in the planted aquarium is one of the most important factors in the health of the planted aquarium ecosystem. A CO2 drop checker is an essential tool for monitoring CO2 levels in the aquarium. The CO2 drop checker is a reservoir designed to contain an indicator solution and an airspace. The indicator solution is a combination of KH Standard / 4 degree KH (4 dKH) and pH indicator (Bromothymol Blue).

When the drop checker is submerged in the aquarium, the carbon dioxide will outgas from the aquarium water into the airspace of the drop checker and will eventually be absorbed into the indicator solution. The carbon dioxide gas will seek a point of equilibrium between the indicator solution and the aquarium water. As equilibrium is achieved, the color of the indicator solution inside of the drop checker will change based on the concentration of CO2 in the aquarium water.

If the indicator solution is green in color, then appropriate levels of carbon dioxide exist in the aquarium, and no action is required. If the solution in the drop checker changes to blue or yellow, then the CO2 levels in the aquarium are too low or too high, respectively.

Product included
1x nano drop checker
1x PH reagent
1x suction cup
1x glass check valve for free gift

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