StudioPRO Photography Monolight Modifier Rectangle Softbox Bowen Speedring

Fovitec Product Description

The StudioPRO Rectangle Softbox with Bowens Speedring is used to diffuse strobe lights and provide you with even lighting. The diffusion panels allow you to adjust the output of the strobe head creating a softer more flattering light with open shadows. The portability and lightweight fabrics of this softbox make transportation easy. Using a softbox will dramatically improve your portrait lighting. A rectangle softbox will create long and thin highlights on reflective objects as well as rectangular shaped catch lights in a subject's eye in a portrait. A rectangular shaped softbox is often used to mimic window light. The larger the softbox, in relation to the subject, the softer the light becomes. Best Photo Uses: portraitures, product photography, fashion, wedding photography and more! EndFragment

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