*** Sanguinololu V1.3a with the superior ATMEGA1284P, optional motor drivers, optional panelolu2, assembled or kit versions ***

Sanguinololu V1.3a is a low-cost all-in-one electronics solution for Reprap and other CNC devices

Assembled or kit, with optional extra's

It is shipped with the ATMEGA1284P microcontroller and FTDI installed. The ATMEGA has the bootloader installed such that you can upload new firmware without the need for any external programmer.

Can be supplied with Stepstick A4988 or the superior DRV8825 motor drivers (optional)

All options come complete with full connector set, mechanical endstop switches, wire and heatsink

*** Included ***

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Connectors, endstops, wire and heatsink:

3x Mechanical endstop switch, 1M of 4-twisted pair wire (enough for 3 endstops and a spare pair), 1x TO-220 Heatsink for one of the MOSFETs, wire connectors for 5 stepper motors, 2 heaters (heatbed and extruder) and 2 thermistors.

Note, if you select the pluggable terminal block option (see below) the plug is also included.
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Ships with the ATMEGA1284P microcontroller giving twice the capacity over the previous ATMEGA644A, allowing larger programs that make use of LCDs and SDCARD readers.

The ATMEGA1284P is supplied with the correct bootloader (including fuse settings specific to the Sanguinololu V1.3a) loaded allowing you to modify and upload new firmware through the USB connection with no external programmer.
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Quality Parts

All components are purchased from reliable European or North American suppliers. We use only branded origional parts, true to the BOM and usually overspec'd, i.e. higher rated capacitors / resistors than required.

There are other sellers on eBay who may charge less but if you examine their photo's carefully you will often see unbranded inferior parts, including Ics. On Aliexpress you can find FTDI chips for $1 yet the manufacturer will not sell these for less than £2 even if you by 10000, but the $1 parts find their way on to other sellers' reprap electronics.

*** Options ***

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Sanguinololu1.3a: Assembled

Fully assembled, ready to go

Bootloader installed, firmware uploaded and board tested!
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Sanguinololu1.3a: Kit

All parts labelled, FTDI chip pre-soldered so only have to solder through-hole comonents

Bootloader installed on ATMEGA for easy firmware upload
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Motor Drivers: 4x Assembled A4988 Stepstick

Assembled and tested, ready to use, including heatsink.

Our version of this board has carefully chosen resistor values to prevent damage from accidental use. Most vendors use either origional BOM values or they copy Pololu choices, however neither of these are best. Our choices make sure you can't deliver too much current to the current sense resistors by limiting the maximum current output to 1.5 A. Also, our potentiometers are single turn with a blocker so you estiamte the current without a multimeter (i.e. fully clockwise is 1.5A, fully anticlockwise is 0 A and linear in between.
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Motor Drivers: 4x Assembled CoolDRV 8825 stepsticks

Assembled and tested, ready to use, including heatsink.

Uses the superior DRV8825 driver capable of delivering 2.5 A and 1/32 microstepping. With the heatsink and well designed pcb (many heat channels) these won't break a sweat running a NEMA 17 motor on a reprap printer and are certainly capable of driving larger motors if you need more power.
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Motor Drivers: 4x Kit Version CoolDRV 8825 stepsticks

Kit version contains all parts including heatsink but requires soldering the SMD parts. The DRV8825 driver is much easier to solder by hand than the A4988 etc and smallest other components are 0603 sized, however the DRV8825 device has an exposed pad which needs to be in thermal contact with the pcb and should ideally be soldered using the reflow technique. In principle, you could still hand solder the device and make the thermal contact with regular thermal grease like that used for the CPU inside a PC, but over time (3-5 years) the grease will dry and it doesn't form as good a contact as solder.

Uses the superior DRV8825 driver capable of delivering 2.5 A and 1/32 microstepping. With the heatsink and well designed pcb (many heat channels) these won't break a sweat running a NEMA 17 motor on a reprap printer and are certainly capable of driving larger motors if you need more power.
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SD / LCD Option: Assembled Panelolu2

Panelolu2 is a great add on that combines a micro-sd reader, a 20x4 LCD display and a rotary encoder. These allow you to make your printer completely stand alone. Furthermore, the adapter board also has two additional MOSFETS to allow you to control two different fans.

This option is for a fully assembled unit, including the adapter, a 75 cm IDC cable and connectors for the fans.
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SD / LCD Option: KitVersion Panelolu2

Panelolu2 is a great add on - it combines and micro-sd reader, a 20x4 LCD display and a rotary encoder. These allow you to make your printer completely stand alone. Furthermore, the adapter board also has two additional MOSFETS to allow you to control two different fans.

This option is for a the kit version, which contains everything needed including the cable and connectors. Note you will need to be able to solder SMD componenets, which is not too tricky in this case as most of the parts are fairly easy to solder.
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SD / LCD Option: Assembled SDSL Reader

The SDSL is a simple micro-SD reader for the Sanguinololu which allows stand alone printing.

Fully assembled as pictured.
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SD / LCD Option: Kit Version SDSL Reader

The SDSL is a simple micro-SD reader for the Sanguinololu which allows stand alone printing.

Kit version contains the pcb plus all the parts needed. You will have to solder SMD components but this is not tricky for this simple board as all of the parts are quite large and there aren't many.
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Power Supply Connector: ATX

4-Pin ATX power supply connector installed to allow you to power the electronics using a standard PC power supply.

Only need to select for assembled version, if you purchase the kit you will recieve all parts so you choose which connector yourself.
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Power Supply Connector: Pluggable terminal block

Standard pluggable terminal block for connecting power source. Note if this option is selected the plug is included.

Only need to select for assembled version, if you purchase the kit you will recieve all parts so you choose which connector yourself.
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Power Supply Connector: Terminal block

Standard terminal block for connecting power source

Only need to select for assembled version, if you purchase the kit you will recieve all parts so you choose which connector yourself.
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Heater Connector: KK100

Standard KK100 connectors for connecting the heaters. Note the plugs and terminals are included.

Only need to select for assembled version, if you purchase the kit you will recieve all parts so you choose which connector yourself.
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Heater Connector: Terminal Block

Standard terminal blocks for connecting heaters

Only need to select for assembled version, if you purchase the kit you will recieve all parts so you choose which connector yourself.

*** Questions? ***

Did I forget to mention something? Just get in touch and I'll answer any query as quickly as possible.