Cross Roads: What if you could go back and put things right?

Paperback / Softback
Young, William P.
Hodder & Stoughton
304 pages; 201 x 137 x 18 mm
Englisch; Romane/Erzählungen, Prüfung (Religion); Romane/Erzählungen
EUR 11,10 (inkl. MwSt.)
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Cross Roads
Multi-millionaire Anthony Spencer is trapped in a coma and finds himself in a surreal world that reflects the skewed priorities of the life he's lived on earth where he meets a stranger who turns out to be Jesus and a grandmother who is the Holy Spirit.Pleading for a second chance, he is sent back to earth to redeem himself. There he must fight to put right the mess he's created, experiencing events through others' eyes before deciding how to use the miraculous gift he's been given. Before his illness he had set events in motion that he now needs to undo - but will he have the courage to make the right choice?THE SHACK is an international phenomenon, surpassing 1 million copies sold before being picked up by a mainstream publisher: its combination of radical spirituality with a heart-wrenching story made it a word-of-mouth hit, and CROSS ROADS has all the ingredients to repeat its impact.
One of the most faith-enhancing books I have ever read. Bear Grylls on THE SHACK
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