Cleopatra's Medalla Pro">Cleopatra's Medalla Pro


Medalla Pro


This Listing is for 1 Human Grade Humic Acid 99% Pure in a 2oz bottle. New Medella 2 in capsule form is also available - simply type in Medella 2 in the search bar

Medella Professional is The State of The Art, Revolutionary Concentrated Humic Acid - The 1st in the World to be done!

Never before has Humic Acid been available in concentrated form and as Pure as Medella Professional.

Did you know taking a Humic Acid Capsule (that many retailers sell) contain Lead! Did you know Humic Acid capsules are an extremely weak form of Humic Acid! Did you know that it takes all other Humic Acid liquids 5pounds of Humic Acid Soil to make 1 gallon of Humic Acid Liquid......So what does this mean....

Let's do the math... We know they put Humic Acid soil in the capsules.
1) It takes 5lbs of this soil to equal a Liquid Gallon
2) It takes 453,592mg per pound...So you need 2,267,960mg of Humic Acid Soil to equal 1 Gallon of the Liquid.
3) Well most bottle's contain 300mg to 750mg per capsule so let's just go with the best humic acid capsule which is 750mg per capsule.
4) So if you need 2,267,960mg of soil to equal 1 gallon of Humic Acid Liquid divided by 750mg capsules, that would mean you need 3023 capsules to equal taking 1 gallon which divided by 60capsules per would need to take 50bottles of Humic Acid Capsules to equal 1 gallon. And if you had 300mg capsules you would need well over a hundred bottles to equal 1 Gallon of Humic Acid Liquid.

5) Now the Liquid Gallon or Litre or Quart and so on that is sold by everyone else on the market extracts the Humic Acid from the Soil (dirt) and reanimates the Humic Acid in water to get a good form of Humic Acid. The Problem with this is mostly all competitors use either a Chemical Extraction or Acid Precipitation to Extract the Humic Acid which means it can and is still harmful to the body which in our opinion is still drinking basically a liquid Fertilizer.

6) Then Comes Cleopatra's Medella which has been extracted Organically and Reanimated naturally in water which contains no chemicals, or acid precipitation, or lead or any other harmful ingredients......Now for the first time ever we have a Pure and Organic form of Humic Acid made for the use of Human Beings!!!! Medella Professional is also made of the Highest Form of Humic Acid at an amazing 93% Humic Acid and 7% Fulvic Acid.

Medella Professional 64:1 - 2oz bottle
7) Not only that, Cleopatra's Health Inc went a step further and Concentrated it! Now You can get a Liquid Gallon worth of Humic Acid in a little 2oz bottle or a 2 Gallon Concentrate of Humic Acid in a 4oz bottle, and/or a 4gallon Concentrate in a 4oz bottle.....Wow!! This has never been done before!

8) So what does this mean....To equal the smallest concentrated 2oz bottle of Cleopatra's Medalla Professional you would either need 50-120bottles of Humic Acid Capsules or 1 Gallon of Humic Acid Liquid. However even if you did equal that amount it would not equal the Pure Organic with No Chemical or Acid Extraction as most other competitors!!! To equal Medella Pro128 4oz bottle you would need between 200-480bottles of humic acid Capsules or 4gallons of anyone's Humic Liquid Gallons.

***Users can now budget and use the amount of Humic Acid that they see fit to use. Users can drop a certain amount of drops into water to either drink an oz worth of the Original Gallon, or a cup full , or quart full, and so on. This is absolutely amazing and for the first time ever it has been done.

**So what is Medella Professional? : We'll simply it's Pure Organic Humic Acid at it's best!

What is Humic Acid? : Humic Acid is a soil that is very Complex, long chain molecules, varying in molecular weight. Humic Substances are the most abundant source of non-living organic material found in nature.

In Modern times China has taken the lead in studying this amazing substance, and hundreds of papers have been published from medical schools and hospitals. Indian medicine has used humic acid in products called shilajit, which would practically be the same thing as American Humic Acid in capsule form. Which we all know is so weak, there is really no point taking it at all.

Now most of the World does not know about this amazing discovery however Humic Acid in itself is AMAZING.

Scientists didn't know it existed, couldn't detect it, and when they did finally identify it, it was so complex that they couldn't understand it.

Now Scientists and Pharmaceutical companies for years have been trying to make a synthetic version of Humic Acid to get a Patented Drug, however Mother Nature has created Humic Acid so complex they have been unable to do's simply to complex to recreate!

It has been stated that an estimated 80% of pharmaceutical drugs are tiny, isolated synthetic fractions of this Whole and Complete "missing link" from nature!

The Breakthrough discovery has been the topic of many medical schools, hospitals, clinics, and pharmaceutical laboratories.

 The Earth's very own Ancient and Rich soil deposits known as Humus, are organic remains of plants and vegetation after millions of years. Further decomposition of these remains which are rare and unusual are called Humic Acid which can only be found in a few parts of the World.

So Medella (concentrated humic acid) is basically the the most powerful free-radical scavenger and natural anti-oxidant known to man. We will explain how Medella can help you on broad ailment pages. Humates cause the immune system to recognize its own dead cells thereby reducing infection.

Medella (humic acid) has been known to show high anti-viral properties. We will explain more how Medella works against Viruses on the Medella Virus page.

Medella is also a very strong Chelator which removes lead, mercury, and heavy metals, as well as other unwanted organisms from the body. Medella Detoxes the body in a powerful but "humane" way unlike many other Detoxing systems or supplements which can cause a person to be sick or very low on energy.

Humic Acid also have anti-microbial properties however Humic seems to stimulate the "good" microbes in the body and destroy the "bad" microbes in the body.

Medella Professional (humic acid at it's best) has been known to combat many disease's such as Viruses that include HIV, Aids, Herpes, etc, as Well as Bacterial disease's, Cancers, and the list goes on and on.... meanwhile at the same time as attacking these disease's the person can have energy and feel well. If any herx reaction does occur a person has prob taken too much and should slow down, however any herx reactions that can occur are very mild.

Please refer to other Medella information pages to find out more...

Available Now - Medella 2

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