The skc-70 butane gas cordless soldering iron is manufactured in Japan, by a long established and highly regarded precision hand tool manufacturer.

This a larger style cordless soldering iron (yet still relatively light - it weighs just 110g) measures 265mm in length (end to end). The manufacturer themselves describe this product as a 'Two-in-One' Kotelyzer heat tool with soldering and hot blow functions.

It comes supplied with the following...

1 x skc-70 cordless (butane gas) soldering iron (supplied empty due to stringent shipping regulations)

1 x sk-71 1mm tapered soldering tip

1 x sk-84 3.5mm dia. hot blow tip

1 x 'multi holder' (an innovative & versatlie resting device, allowing you to place the soldering iron down safely when working in the field)

1 x plastic a protective cap (i.e. to protect the tip when not in use) .

Most butane gas soldering irons normally only yield about 40 minutes between fills, whereas this skc-70 cordless soldering iron can last up to 4 hours between fills! Everything you'd come to expect of the Japanese.

(re the photo showing the skc-70 hanging on a wire….this photo shows a chisel type tip fitted - the skc-70 does not come with a chisel type tip, the photo is for illustrative purposes only)

Please note: Due to strict International and Domestic shipping regulations wrt gases, this product is shipped *without* butane gas - however, butane gas can be sourced very easily from any high street (normally newsagents, as sold for cigarette for lighters etc.)