Grindal worms  a great source of live food. They grow to about 1.5 cm in length. The food value is fantastic great food for fish. Grindal worms are super easy to culture, Nutritional Value Protein 70% Lipids 14.5% Glycogen 7% Minerals 5.5% Carbohydrates 10%. Will come with instructions on how to culture grindal worms, follow the instructions and give it a day or two and you will notice worms crawling eating the food, It will usually take about 1-2 weeks for a culture to multiply to the point where you can harvest worms on a regular basis. 

The microworms are meant to feed fish that are too small to accept the traditional food such as pellet and flakes.

The live food will move in the water which triggers the eating reflex of the baby fish.

Microworms are a great start to a fry's healthy diet.

Will come with instruction on how to culture worms, itll take 2-3 days untill you can see the worms and harvest it to feed your baby fish