one box containing 240 filters,For 6mm roll up cigarette - relief 90%nicotine and tar

Normal fiber filters only take a tiny amount of the tar from the cigarette, but Our tar Blocking filters remove up to 90% of the tar, and not just once!

Each filter can be used up to 5 cigarettes , it catches most of the gummy stuff that would otherwise go into your lungs, but you will have to try one to see - you will be amazed!

These filters will also help you to give up smoking by allowing you to cut down on cigarettes slowly, until you are not dependent on them.

On the other hand, you may actually get pleasure from a cigarette, and these filters will help you reduce the risk whilst you carry on smoking. So if you have to smoke, make it a little safer for yourself.

You will see a reduction in your morning cough, your breath will be fresher, and you will not notice any change to your enjoyment of smoking.

All the tar captured is caught in the filter, which will last up to 5 cigarettes before it’s full and its time to change, so they are very cost effective. One box will see you through up to 1000 cigarettes; not a lot of money to pay to either stop smoking or reduce the tar you inhale, and overall improving your health.

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