NEW Clever Yoga Strap | Multi-Color 8FT or 10FT Cotton Stretch Fitness US Seller

NEW Clever Yoga Strap | Multi-Color 8FT or 10FT Cotton Stretch Fitness US Seller

This Clever Yoga yoga strap is made from 100% top grade durable cotton and is designed to last forever. In fact, if it doesn't we'll replace it free of charge, no questions asked.

Many customers use these straps in the comfort of their own homes. Or you can use them in a yoga studio or fitness center. You can even bring it along during physical therapy sessions.

1. Easily and almost effortlessly increase your flexibility.

2.  Gain strength through the strap's supportive resistance. 

3. Increase your balance.

Most importantly, you'll make progress if you are using these for Yogic purposes! For example, a the Natarajasana pose - often skipped by beginners because of its difficulty, can be practiced with ease with the use of this strap. Not only will you now be able to achieve the benefits of certain poses and stretches that previously eluded you, you will do so with the proper form and technique.