Sixty different varieties of flower seeds - for immediate delivery.

  The sixty different varieties offered encompass a range of seeds to suit most flower garden borders.
Number of seeds shown in packets are the minimum supplied.

Abelmoschus - Abelmoschus moschatus medik. 10 Quality Seeds for a Changing Env.Pink Abelmoschus (Musk Mallow): An unusual pink variety from China. Musk Mallow is a soft, herbaceous trailing plant to 2 m in length, with soft hairy stems. It has an underground tuber and dies back to this tuber in the dry season, emerging again with the first substantial rains of the wet season. Leaves are extremely variable in shape and size, in outline mostly circular or similar to a transverse ellipse, at base usually heart-shaped, angular, or 3-7-palmately lobed. Upper leaves are usually narrower and often arrow-shaped, coarsely toothed, rarely entire, at base 5-9-nerved. Flowers occur singly in leaf axils. Sepal cup is velvety outside. Petals are obovate, rounded at the tip, fleshy at the base and fringed by simple hairs. Stamen column is mostly yellow, at base dark purple, hairless. It is a relative of the edible okra and tubers and foliage formed a source of food for aborigines.

Medicinal uses: Musk Mallow is used as an antidote for snakebites. An emulsion from the seeds is considered to be anti-spasmodic and is used externally. Extensively used as an insecticide and a aphrodisiac. The oil of the seeds, with a strong musk odor, are also used in the perfume industry (now largely replaced by synthetic musk oils) and is used to flavour coffee. Propagation Methods: From seed; sow indoors before last frost. From seed; direct sow after last frost. (10 Seeds)

Annual Ox-eye Daisy - Chryssanthemum soronarium L. 30 Quality SeedsAnnual Ox-eye Daisy: Ox-eye Daisy is very simple to grow from seed. Each floret on a flower head produces a seed. Seed is often 70-80% viable and will produce many plants with little effort or skill required. In either spring or autumn fill a seed tray with a soil based compost and simply scatter the seed onto the surface. When the seed has been sown, lightly cover with more compost. Soil should be kept moist and seed should then germinate within two weeks. Seedlings can then be pricked out and potted up to be planted out when a little bigger. This hardy perennial grows from 30cm to 90cm in height. The stem is long, thin and hard with occasional branching along the stem. Ox-eye daisy can also be propagated vegetatively by splitting large plants in spring or early autumn. (30 Seeds)

Antirrhinum 'Rust Resistant Mixed' - Antirrhinum majus. 400 Quality Seeds.Antirrhinum: Antirrhinum majus, or Common Snapdragon, is an erect perennial that is treated as an annual in colder areas and is native to the Mediterranean region. Plants usually reach a height of 2-3 feet (0.6-0.9 m) in containers and the landscape. Some plants can attain a height of up to 6 feet (1.8 m) if planted in the landscape. Leaves are lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate to 3 inches (7.6 cm) long. Snapdragons have a long been used in gardens and in the cut flower industry. They are easy plants to grow, whether in container or in the landscape. (50 Seeds)

Balloon Flower - Platycodon grandifrorus. 30 Quality Seeds for a Changing Env.Balloon Flower (Chinese Bellflower): This heavy bloomer gets its name from the way each flower bud swells before its starry petals unfold. Balloon flowers are one of the easiest perennials you'll ever grow, and they bloom in profusion in mid to late summer, when many other perennials are beginning to fade. The upward-facing flowers bloom throughout the summer and into early fall in shades of blue, pink and white. The plants form a low, neat mound and bear 2- to 3-inch cuplike blossoms accented with delicate purple veins and yellow stamens. Balloon flowers are a cottage garden standard, and they are excellent for cutting. To make the flowers last in the vase, sear the stems with a match or candle flame immediately after cutting. Balloon flowers grow in Zones 3-8. They thrive in full sun or light shade in well-drained garden soil. They appreciate a little afternoon shade. You won't find a more carefree perennial! Just work a little slow release fertiliser into the soil in spring, and pick off the flowers as they fade to encourage more blooms. Moderate drought conditions aren't a problem, but it helps to water the plants deeply when the soil dries out too much or if drought conditions persist. Balloon flowers are seldom bothered by insects, and they are very cold-hardy.  Be careful when weeding the garden in spring. Balloon flowers don't sprout until other plants have begun to grow, and it is easy to dig them up inadvertently or pull them thinking they are weeds. Mark the area where they are planted to prevent this type of mistake. Start new plants from seeds in spring, just after the last winter frost, or summer, up to 2 months before the first autumn frost. When starting indoors, sow in individual pots 6-8 weeks before the last expected frost. Seeds require light to germinate, so press them lightly onto the soil, and don't cover. You can expect flowers the second year. Plants are difficult to divide, but cuttings can be taken in late spring. When the new stems are about 2 to 4 inches long, push back the soil to find the point where the stem joins the root, and with a sharp knife, cut off a stem with about 1/2 inch of root attached. Pot up your cutting in a good potting medium. Clumps of balloon flowers are very well behaved in the perennial garden - they don't spread and never crowd their neighbors. The blue shades of balloon flowers are striking when planted in combination with gold or deep orange cosmos or yarrows. If you're looking for a carefree perennial that produces reliable blooms year after year, you can't beat balloon flowers. (20 Seeds)

Bashfulgrass - Mimosa Pudica. 30 Quality Seeds for a Changing Env.Bashfulgrass: his unique flower plant may scare you when you touch it! It has seismonastic movements (reaction to physical shock). At night, the leaves will also fold and bend in movements known as nyctonastic movements (reaction to absence of light). In this family the leaves and leaflets are often capable of movement due to changes in the water pressure of the swollen leaf and leaflet bases. The leaves assume a folded or "sleeping" posture at the end of the day that is triggered by a decrease in light level. However, this sensitive plant is also capable of rapid movement in response to touch or application of heat. This plant is an easy to grow house plant that snaps it's leaves shut when touched! You will not believe this plant. It acts more like an animal than a plant. Plus it has beautiful, pink, silky flowers. Attractive, bright green leaves are outlined by burgundy borders. Grow on a bright window indoors or a potted plant outdoors. Mimosa Pudica only grows to approximately 12 inches tall when planted from flower seeds. This plant has many other names: Sleeping Grass, Prayer Plant, Humble Plant, Touch-Me-Not, Tickle Me Plant, etc.
Further information: This short lived evergreen sub shrub is usually treated as an annual. It is grown for its curiosity value- the fern like leaves close up and droop when touched, usually re-opening within minutes. It has prickly stems and small, fluffy, ball shaped pink flowers in summer. It grows to a height of 5 ft and spreads around 3 ft - a perennial plant, it grows to a height of 0.5m with a spread of 0.3m. In some areas this plant is becoming a noxious weed. The stem is erect, slender and branching. The leaves are bipinnate, fern like and pale green- closing when disturbed. The flowers are pale lilac pink, occurring in globose heads and appearing in summer. Indigenous to the northern hemisphere, it is adaptable to most soils in an open, sunny position, and is drought and frost tender. Due to its ability to fix nitrogen from the air it does well on poor soils. "Sensitive Plant" folds up its leaves when touched or exposed to a flame. This plant requires a medium light exposure, an evenly moist soil, and temperatures between 60 and 85 degrees. One should use caution when handling seedlings because the plant dislikes root disturbance. Mimosa is sensitive to over watering.
(25 Seeds)

Bigflower Campion - Lychnis fulgens. 40 Quality Seeds for a Changing EnvironmentBigflower Campion: Category: Perennials. Height: 25cm - 50cm. Best grown in moderately fertile, well-drained soils with consistent and even moisture in full sun to light shade. Tolerates poorer soils with some dryness. Excellent soil drainage is essential. Plants may self-seed in the garden in optimum growing conditions. Noteworthy Characteristics: Lychnis fulgens is a red-flowered catchfly that is native to Siberia, Manchuria, Korea and Japan. It is a sparsely white-hairy, tufted perennial that typically grows in a clump on stems clad with sessile, ovate-lanceolate, medium to dark green leaves (to 3" [7.5cm] long). Bright red flowers (to 2 1/2" [6cm] diameter) with two-lobed petals bloom in few-flowered cymes in early to mid-summer. Lychnis comes from the Greek word for lamp in reference to the bright intensity of many of the flowers in the genus. (30 Seeds)

Black-Eyed Susan - Thunbergia. 10 Quality Seeds for a Changing Env.Black-Eyed Susan: Annual spreading flower with delicate yellow colours and a black centre spot. Ideal for borders or baskets. Enjoys sunlight but shade tolerant after germination and will bloom all summer. Germinate in growing location when temperatures are 20C - 25C. Seeds will sprout within 2 weeks.
(10 Seeds)

Blackberry Rhizome (Lily) - Belamcanda chinensis (L.) DC. 10 Quality Seeds.Blackberry Lily: Leopard Flower is an perennial herb, with leaves in fans on branching stems. Lance-shaped leaves will reach 2 to 3 feet. Flowers are 5 cm across, borne on long, slender stalks, at the end of stems. They have 6 petals, yellow to orange-red, spotted with maroon or purple, which is what gave it the name Leopard Flower. Fruit is a black berry. The name Blackberry Lily derives from the clusters of shiny black seeds exposed when seed capsules split open. In China, Leopard Flower is found in the Himalayas at altitudes of 1000-2300m but is very adaptable. Flowering: July-August. (10 Seeds)

Blue China Aster - Callistephus chinensis Nees. 50 Quality Seeds.Blue China Aster: Callistephus is a genus of flowering plants, in the Sunflower family; the genus includes only one species, C. chinensis, the China Aster. It is native to China, and is an annual plant, growing to 20-80 cm tall with branched stems. The leaves are alternate, 4-8 cm long, ovate, and coarsely toothed. The flowerheads are variable, with either all ray florets or an outer ring of ray florets surrounding central disc florets; the ray florets are white to purple, the disc florets, if present, usually yellow. It is a popular ornamental plant in gardens, and numerous cultivars are available; the cultivars are grouped by size, with very dwarf (up to 20 cm), dwarf (20-40 cm), intermediate (40-60 cm) and tall (60-80 cm) In Japan, the species is very important in the floriculture industry for cut flowers. (40 Seeds)

Blue Cornflower - Centaurea cyanus. 50 Quality Seeds for a Changing EnvironmentBlue Cornflower: The attractive flowers of the cornflower are a bright celebratory blue, distinctive enough to have given its name to a colour. The narrow grey-green leaves, no more than five millimetres wide, grow alternatively up the stem. The closed, emerging flower heads resemble other members of the knapweed family to which the cornflower is closely related. In the early years of the twentieth century, cornflowers were common in Britain and, together with red poppies and white-flowering Mayweed, must have made a patriotic sight across parts of the countryside. The nickname ""cornflower"" comes from the fact that the plant grows wild in grain fields. When Napoleon forced Queen Louise of Prussia from Berlin, she hid her children in a cornfield and kept them entertained and quiet by weaving wreaths of cornflowers. One of her children, Wilhelm, later became the emperor of Germany. Remembering his mother's bravery, he made the cornflower a national emblem of unity. (40 Seeds)

Blue Flax - Linum Perenne. 30 Quality Seeds for a Changing EnvironmentBlue Flax: Blue flax germinates best when direct seeded (although you can start seed indoors for transplanting) Sow in mid to late spring or early autumn. Autumn sowings should bloom the following year. Cover with about 1/4" of soil and thin plants to 6" apart, once they are 1 - 2" tall. (30 Seeds)

Caesalpinia - Caesalpinia pulcherrima. 30 Quality Seeds for a Changing Env.Caesalpinia: Shrub, Tropical and Tender Perennial. Height: 4.-.6 ft. (1.2.-.1.8 m), 6.-.8 ft. (1.8.-.2.4 m) depending on growing conditions. Spacing: 4-6 ft. (1.2-1.8 m). Sun Exposure: Sun to Partial Shade. This plant is attractive to bees, butterflies and/or birds. Average Water Needs; Water regularly; do not over-water. Self-sows freely; deadhead if you do not want volunteer seedlings next season. Propagation Methods: From seed; direct sow after last frost. (25 Seeds)

California Poppy - Eschscholtize. 30 Quality Seeds for a Changing Env.California Poppy: Despite its mild-weather origins, California Poppy seed will grow quite well in cold climates, but only as an annual. It can be used in beds, borders, and in naturalized settings, but generally does not do well in containers. The brilliant orange California Poppy work well with purple and yellow flowers, but may clash with some colors in the garden; yellow varieties combine well with blue cornflower and larkspur. Even though California Poppy is technically an annual wildflower, it is known for reseeding itself. Therefore, if you do not mow down California Poppy before it drops its seed, that seed will lay dormant during the winter and then sprout brand new California Poppies the next spring. Many wild flower seeds perform this way. Directly sow California Poppy wild flower seed early in the spring. Prepare the area by weeding and loosening the top 1 - 2 inches of soil. Sow the Poppy seeds and rake the soil covering the seed about 1/8 inch deep, and keep the soil moist after planting until the Poppy wild flower seeds germinate in 14 - 28 days, depending on the temperature. Thin to about 12 inches apart. Decrease watering after the plants begin to flower. Deadhead spent flowers to prolong blooming and enhance the appearance of the plant. Removing spent flowers and seed pods will also reduce re-seeding. You may use a low nitrogen fertilizer like a 3-18-18 liquid fertilizer to promote good root growth without the additional foliage growth. (25 Seeds)

Centaurea - Centaurea moschata. 40 Quality Seeds for a Changing EnvironmentCentaurea: Directly sow centaurea seed outdoors in early spring as soon as soil can be worked. Prepare seedbed by loosening soil and weeding. Sow Cornflower seed in rows, 6 seeds per foot. Thin seedlings to 6 - 12 inches apart. In mild winter climates, Seed can be sown in the autumn for very early blooms the following spring. The first blooms appear 10 - 12 weeks after planting, and last for about a month. Successive plantings can extend the bloom period. (30 Seeds)

Chalk Plant - Gypsophilia. 30 Quality Seeds for a Changing Env.Chalk Plant: Vigourous, compact perennial. Pink flowers up to 0.5cm in diameter. This plant has a long flowering season and is ideal for pots, window boxes, hanging baskets and borders. Sow seeds in autumn in pots and transplant during spring to growing location. (25 Seeds)

Chilean Daffodil - Salpiglossis sinunata. 50 Quality Seeds for a Changing Env.Chilean Daffodil: One of the most colourful of flowers and ideal as an unusual plant in borders. Category: Annuals, Height:12-18 in. (30-45 cm), Spacing:9-12 in. (22-30 cm), Hardiness:Not Applicable, Sun Exposure: Full SunBloom, Colour: Rose/MauveMagenta (Pink-Purple)Scarlet (Dark Red)OrangeGold(Yellow-Orange)Blue-VioletViolet/LavenderPurpleMaroon (Purple-Brown), Bloom Time: Late Spring/Early Summer/Mid Summer, Foliage:Herbaceous, Other details: Average Water Needs; Water regularly; do not overwater, Soil pH requirements: 6.1 to 6.5 (mildly acidic) 6.6 to 7.5 (neutral), Propagation Methods: From seed; sow indoors before last frostSeed, Collecting: Allow pods to dry on plant; break open to collect seeds. Properly cleaned, seed can be successfully stored. (35 Seeds)

China Flowering Quince - Chaenomeles sinensis. 6 Quality SeedsChina Flowering Quince: Flowering Quince flowers very heavily and tends to grow wider than it is tall and may need support if allowed to frow tall. A tough and very hardy small tree/shrub growing when mature to 5 - 10 metres, popular for late winter and early spring color in almost any situation in the garden. It has very deep red flowers with an erect bunch of stamens with gold yellow anthers. The flowers are 3-4.5 cm across, with five petals. Flowering is in late winter or early spring. The fruit is a pome with five carpels; it ripens in late autumn.The leaves are alternately arranged, simple, and have a serrated margin. When cooked & sweetened or mixed with sweeter fruits such as apples the fruit becomes fragrantly tasty. They're rich in vitamin C, dietary fibre & pectin, thus increasingly valued for juice, pulp & flavoring, & for the cooked fruit's sweet aroma halfway between apple & citrus. Its antioxidant flavinoids are second only to rosehips in concentration. (5 Seeds)

Chinese Lantern Plant 'Little Lantern' - .Physalis Peruviana. 15 Quality SeedsChinese Lantern Plant: Similar to Cape Gooseberry and also perennial but with a white flower. A somewhat vining plant usually reaching 2-3 ft. in height. Under good conditions it can reach 6 ft, but will need support. The purplish, spreading branches are ribbed and covered with fine hairs. Oppositely arranged leaves are heart-shaped, 2.5-6 inches long. Flowers are bell-shaped, nodding, and arise in leaf axils. They are white in colour with dark purple-brown spots in the throat, and cupped by a purplish-green, hairy sepal cup. Fruit buds are produced after 12-13 stem internodes are formed. After the flower falls, the calyx expands, forming a straw-colored husk much larger than the fruit enclosed. The fruit is a berry with smooth, waxy, orange-yellow skin and juicy pulp containing numerous very small yellowish seeds. The fruit is edible but can be sharp. Widely cultivated in China. (15 Seeds)

Chinese Lantern Plant 'Red Lantern' - .Physalis alkekehgi. 25 Quality SeedsChinese Lantern Plant (Red Lantern): Chinese Lantern flower seed produces an ornamental flower that has an orange seed pod that looks like glowing orange paper lanterns. The white flowers will be replaced by green seed pods that will eventually turn orange or red. Chinese Lantern makes a great dried seed pod, and it can also be used in dry floral arrangements. The brightly coloured seed pods are hollow and are dried best while still fresh by hanging upside down in a cool place. Children love the "lantern" seed pods! The plants spreads easily by rhizomes, so make sure you plant in a contained area. Chinese Lantern flower seed can be planted indoors in trays and lightly covered with soil. Will take anywhere from 14 - 28 days to germinate. Or you can sow the flower seed directly outdoors, leaving 24 inches between plants. Make sure the soil has warmed and all danger of frost has passed. The berries are edible however they are very acidic and therefore eating is not recommended. (20 Seeds)

Chinese Toon - Toona sinensis(A.juss)Roem  . 20 Quality Seeds for a Changing Env.Chinese Toon: This small variety grows as a bush from 1 to 1.5m.  The flowers are produced in summer each flower is small, 4 - 5 mm diameter, with five white or pale pink petals. The fruit is a capsule 2 - 3.5 cm long, containing several winged seeds. Chinese Toon is native to eastern and southeastern Asia, from North Korea south through most of eastern, central and southwestern China to Nepal, northeastern India, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, and western Indonesia.
Medicinal uses:  The fruit, bark, and roots are used in traditional Chinese medicine. (15 Seeds)

Cinnabar Root - Ardisia crenata Sims. 6 Quality Seeds for a Changing Env.Cinnabar Root (Coralberry): Coral ardisia is a small upright shrub, from 2-6 ft (0.6-1.8 m) high. It is evergreen unless killed back by very hard freezes. The dark green, serrated leaves are glossy and very attractive. The flowers are white or pinkish and rather inconspicuous. The berries, which hang down in clusters, are quite showy as they ripen and turn to shades of coral and finally bright scarlet. The berries are long lasting and usually persist throughout the winter and cedar waxwings and other birds feed on them. Plants re-seed freely. For winter colour in a forest grove, plant Coral Ardisia under trees and allow to colonise freely, thinning as necessary. A more formal use can be made of these lovely plants in shade gardens. For best effect, plant a group of at least three. In frost-free areas, ardisia can become quite large and a single specimen might occupy the same space allowed for two or three elsewhere. Where freezes are severe, ardisia should be placed in a protected area or covered. A hard freeze will kill the plant to the ground. Ardisia is easily transformed into a houseplant and is attractive for the shiny foliage even if berries do not form. (5 Seeds)

Columbine 'Bluebird' - Aquilegia. 30 Quality Seeds for a Changing Env.Columbine 'Bluebird': Perhaps one of the most gorgeous of flowers. Sometimes known as 'Grannies Bonnets' they take a while to germinate but the wait is worth it. Basic growing instructions:Dappled shade and fertile, loamy, well-drained but moist soil are best for Columbines although they'll tolerate most conditions, except, that is for waterlogged heavy clay soil. Add lots of compost or organic matter if that's what you have. They don't really like to be disturbed so division is difficult. It's probably easier to grow new plants from seed. Most Columbines will self-seed readily, but they'll interbreed to. If you want your varieties to remain true, isolate them. Even then, named hybrids probably won't come true. To grow Columbines from seed, sow anytime from late autumn. Germination is quite slow, taking from six to about 12 weeks. Plant them out in early spring where they are to flower. (25 Seeds)

Columbine 'Egret' - Aquilegia. 20 Quality Seeds for a Changing Env.Columbine 'Egret': Perhaps one of the most gorgeous of flowers. Sometimes known as 'Grannies Bonnets' they take a while to germinate but the wait is worth it. Basic growing instructions:Dappled shade and fertile, loamy, well-drained but moist soil are best for Columbines although they'll tolerate most conditions, except, that is for waterlogged heavy clay soil. Add lots of compost or organic matter if that's what you have. They don't really like to be disturbed so division is difficult. It's probably easier to grow new plants from seed. Most Columbines will self-seed readily, but they'll interbreed to. If you want your varieties to remain true, isolate them. Even then, named hybrids probably won't come true. To grow Columbines from seed, sow anytime from late autumn. Germination is quite slow, taking from six to about 12 weeks. Plant them out in early spring where they are to flower. (20 Seeds)

Columbine 'Purple Beauty' - Aquilegia. 30 Quality Seeds for a Changing Env.Columbine 'Purple Beauty': Perhaps one of the most gorgeous of flowers. Sometimes known as 'Grannies Bonnets' they take a while to germinate but the wait is worth it. Basic growing instructions:Dappled shade and fertile, loamy, well-drained but moist soil are best for Columbines although they'll tolerate most conditions, except, that is for waterlogged heavy clay soil. Add lots of compost or organic matter if that's what you have. They don't really like to be disturbed so division is difficult. It's probably easier to grow new plants from seed. Most Columbines will self-seed readily, but they'll interbreed to. If you want your varieties to remain true, isolate them. Even then, named hybrids probably won't come true. To grow Columbines from seed, sow anytime from late autumn. Germination is quite slow, taking from six to about 12 weeks. Plant them out in early spring where they are to flower. (25 Seeds)

Columbine Mixed - Aquilegia vulgaris. 25 Quality Seeds for a Changing Env.Columbine (Mixed Varieties): Highly attractive to hummingbirds and butterflies, this easy-to-grow Columbine flower seed mix is a wonderful addition to the summer border. Growing readily from Columbine flower seed, this Columbine mix features large, 4 inch flowers. The foliage is also very special with its fancy-lobed, dusky blue-green leaves.Columbines are one of the easiest and most rewarding of all perennials. They adapt to many different kinds of climate and sun conditions. Their flowers are a treasure in spring and when they are through flowering, their waxy green foliage continues to add grace to the garden. Plant columbine flower seeds in a mixed border or in a mass by themselves. If you cut them back after they bloom, they make a nice lacy ground cover. Sow Columbine flower seeds in starter trays indoor 6 - 8 weeks before last expected frost if starting this seed indoors. Press Aquilegia flower seed into the soil but do not cover it. Light is beneficial to germination. Or, Columbine flower seed can be directly sown into prepared seed beds with loosened, weed free soil after frost season has passed. Sow the Columbine seed in groups of 3 - 4, and space the seed groups 16 inches apart. Thin to the strongest plant. (25 Seeds)

Common Calceolaria - Calaceolaria herbeohybrid. 100 Quality SeedsCommon Calceolaria (Slipperwort): Bushy, compact plant which is grown as an annual but is perennial when over wintered indoors. Has ovate, softly hairy, mid green, opposite leaves. Height 10cm - 15cm. Bears brightly coloured, flowers sometimes up to 5cm long all summer. Flowers June to September. Can also be sown indoors to make flowering house plants for the winter. May suffer from fungal diseases unless well ventilated. Also prone to red spider mite, whitefly, aphids and slugs. (30 Seeds)

Common Cockscomb - Celosia cristata. 50 Quality Seeds for a Changing Env.Common Cockscomb: They are heat loving and are somewhat drought tolerant. Full sun locations allow cockscomb cristata to grow taller. But cockscomb may grow in only partial sun, so it can happily exist when partially shaded by taller plants. Pinching back the first bloom on these flowers can cause branching and a more abundant display of flowers on each cockscomb plant. Plant seedlings into rich, well draining soil that has warmed in late spring. Seedlings may be grown indoors or purchased. Those living in warm areas may sow the tiny seeds directly into the flowerbed. In areas farther north, make sure the soil has warmed before planting, as letting the cockscomb plant get a chill can cause summer flowering to cease or not happen. (40 Seeds)

Common Foxglove-Digitalis purpurea. 50 Quality Seeds for a Changing EnvironmentFoxglove: Foxglove plants are tall, slender perennials at 2-5' in height. Numerous tubular flowers bloom on a spike, ranging in colour from purple to white. Foxglove flowers appear in the summer months. Foxglove are classified as biennial: leaves form a rosette close to the ground the first year, succeeded by a spike with blooms the second, and final year. But under favourable growing conditions they often last longer, blooming another year or two beyond what their "biennial" status would warrant. In this case, they may be considered herbaceous perennials. Further complicating any positive life-cycle identification for the novice is the fact that foxglove plants often reseed themselves.

Sun and Soil Requirements for Foxglove Flowers:

Grow foxglove plants in partial shade in a well-drained, acidic soil, rich in humus. Established foxglove plants may tolerate dry shade. (40 Seeds)

 Coreopsis - Coreopsis Linn. 30 Quality Seeds for a Changing EnvironmentCoreopsis: Sow seeds during spring after the last frost. Coreopsis grow somewhere between 10 - 18 inches tall with a spread of about 12 - 24 inches. They tend to grow in clumps, but many varieties will self-seed throughout your garden. Exposure: Coreopsis will bloom best in full sun, but it can also be successfully grown in partial shade. The plants may get a bit lankier in partial shade, but they will adapt. In areas with intense dry, heat, Coreopsis may even prefer some afternoon shade. Bloom Period: Most varieties will start blooming in early summer and repeat bloom periodically through to autumn. Deadheading the spent flowers will encourage more blooms. (25 Seeds)

Cotton ornamenta - Nicotiana. 7 Quality Seeds for a Changing Env.Cotton Ornamenta: Germination: Best sown indoors, 6-8 weeks before last frost, at alternating 68 and 86° (16C-30C). Sow with no cover as light aids in germination. Expect germination in 10-20 days. Can also be sown outdoors after all danger of frost is past in the spring. Plants will readily self-sow. Outdoors, sow with barely any cover. Seeds are large with this variety.
Growth: Transplant when there are at least two sets of true leaves, being vigilant that plants do not become root bound as they hate to have their roots restricted. Grow on at 65-70°F (15C-18C) days and 60-65°F (12C-15C) nights under full sun. Provide long days (10 hours or more) to promote uniform flowering. Plant out 10-12 inches apart in full sun to light shade in a rich, moist, well-drained soil. Tall varieties may need staking. For conservatory culture, site in full sun, provide 55°F (8C) nights, and keep the soil evenly moist.
Appearance and Use: Planted in borders, used as a bedding plant, and as a pot plant in the conservatory. The habit is that of a bushy, upright plant 12-36 inches (30-100cm) tall. The summer through frost flowers are star-shaped, sweetly fragrant, and come in colors of white, green, pink, red, and lavender. Older varieties open only at night, while newer varieties open during the day if sited in partial shade.
*Grown as an annual, but may overwinter in milder locations. (6 Seeds)

Cypress Vine 'Starglory' Quamoclit Pennata. 10 Quality Seeds for a Changing Env.Cypress Vine 'Starglory': Annual vine with a 2cm red flower. A colourful plant for growing along fences or as a trailer in window boxes. (8 Seeds)

Dahlia Mixed Colours - Dahlia pinnata. 50 Quality Seeds for a Changing Env.Dahlia Mixed Colour: Dahlias, are a popular addition to the landscape because they have a wide range of height from 1 to 6 feet. This dwarf dahlia mix only reaches 12 inches. Dahlias also are known for their broad range of flower shapes and sizes anywhere from 2 to 12 inches. When their flower seeds are spring planted, these Dahlias begin blooming with their brilliant flowers in early summer and continue to frost. Dahlias prefer full sun and are very sensitive to freezing temperatures. (40 Seeds)

Delphininium -Delphinium Grandiflorum. 50 Quality Seeds for a Changing Env.Large Flower Larkspur (Delphinium): Transform your landscape by sowing Larkspur flower seeds! One stand of these Delphinium Larkspur against a fence or toward the back of the flower garden creates a breathtaking sight. Larkspur are loaded with big, fully double blooms, and they are also vigorous, blooming quickly from flower seed. Larkspur give weeks of color as they bloom from the bottom of the spike up, so the top is still in bud while the bottom is in full bloom.To aid in the germination of Larkspur flower seeds, place the flower seeds on a damp paper towel, seal the towel and seeds in a bag and place in the refrigerator for 1 - 2 weeks. After removing the flower seeds from the refrigerator, directly sow the Larkspur flower seeds outdoors in prepared soil, keeping the seeds moist until germination. Larkspur flower seeds can also be sown indoors and transplanted outside after 8 weeks of growth. After blooms are spent, cut back hard to encourage a second bloom later in the season. The seeds and plants are poisonous so do not consume. (40 Seeds)

Evening Primrose - Oenothera biennis.30 Quality Seeds for a Changing EnvironmentEvening Primrose: Evening Primrose, the beautiful yellow flower, gets its name from the fact that it remains partially close in the day, and opens up suddenly in the evening. Oenothera family is highly variable, and hence difficult to identify. The plant has an upright stem with leaves that are 10-20 cm long, slightly toothed and lance like. Flowers are large, yellow, 2.5-5 cm wide, with four petals. A cross-shaped stigma protrudes out of the flower cup. The plant contains an astringent mucilage that modern herbalist use in cough remedies. Externally the plant has been use to treat sores and various skin conditions. Published studies indicate that the oil might be useful in treating atopic eczema or eczema caused by allergy.(30 Seeds)

Fennel Flower - Nigella damascena. 50 Quality Seeds for a Changing Env.Fennel Flower (Nigella, Love-in-a-Mist): Germination: Best sown indoors at 55-70°F (12C-18C). Sow seeds 4-6 weeks before planting out and expect germination in 10-15 days. Can also be sown outdoors, where for continuous flower display, successive sowings should be made from early spring to early summer. Plants will readily self-sow around the garden.
Growth: Transplant when there are at least two sets of true leaves, taking great care with the roots as they resent being disturbed. Plant out at 8 inches apart in full sun in any normal, moist, well-drained garden soil. Water plants when they are dry and fertilize them monthly. As it is native to rocky slopes, wastelands, and fallow fields, Nigella is very drought tolerant.
Appearance and Use: Vigorous and floriferous annuals used in borders and as edging. The flowers cut well for fresh use and the dried fruits are also used in arrangements. Habit is that of a multi-branching plant from 12-24 inches tall. It gets covered in 1 1/2 inch, cornflower-like flowers in colors of blue or white. The foliage is thread-like and forms collars under the flowers and the ornamental, globular fruits are colored pine green with reddish brown markings. Seeds of the related Nigella sativa, Black Cumin, are pungent and used as a flavoring in Indian cooking. (40 Seeds)

Firewheel - Gaillardia pulchella Foug. 50 Quality Seeds for a Changing Env.Firewheel: Unusual with brilliantly coloured flowers and ideal for borders. The branching stem of this plant is hairy and upright, growing to 60 cm (2 ft) tall. The leaves are alternate, mostly basal, 4–8 cm long, with edges smooth to coarsely toothed or lobed. The pinwheel, daisy-like inflorescences are 4–6 cm diameter, vividly colored with red, orange and yellow. The central disc florets of the flower head tend to be more red-violet, with the outer ray florets being yellow. In one variety, almost the entire flower is red, with only the barest tips of the pedals touched with yellow. It blooms practically year-round in some areas, but more typically in summer to early autumn. It is a hardy plant, not picky about soil, though sandy and well-drained are best. It has a high drought tolerance and does best with a dry, hot climate in full sun. In the garden, the flowers can be removed/deadheaded to promote further blooming. It self-seeds freely. This variety although perennial is best grown as an annual. (40 Seeds)

Florists Cineraria - Senecio cruentus. 30 Quality Seeds for a Changing Env.Florists Cineraria: Florist's cineraria is a hybrid between two species of Pericallis that occur naturally in the Canary Islands. It is known for its profusion of vibrantly-colored flowers. Grown in gardens and glasshouses for over 200 years, several cultivars have been selected with a range of flower colors. They are popular in the floriculture industry as short-lived potted plants. In milder climates seeds can be planted in autumn to produce flowers during the following April.These are herbaceous perennials that are often grown as annuals. There are three basic types: the large-flowered; the stellata or Star-flowered; the intermediate, with flowers similar to the stellata and having the compact growth of the large-flowered; and the dwarf intermediate strain, growing 1-foot tall and having a compact, free-flowering growth. They all come in a wide range of colors. There are two main types of the tall, small-flowered Cinerarias. The most popular is the Star-flowered, which produces an abundance of small flowers in blue, pink, salmon, white and other hues. The Cactus-flowered Cinerarias are similar to the Star-flowered, except they have slender, quill-like petals. Cineraria maritima (This plant is more correctly named, Senecio maritima) is grown for its beautiful, deeply cut, silvery foliage. They are great for summer flowerbeds. The large-flowered Cinerarias come in a brilliant array of colors. Mixed seeds of a good strain will provide flowers in blue, purple, rose, pink and other gorgeous colors, many having noticeable white sections. (25 Seeds)

Four o' Clock Flower-Mirabilis jalapa Linn. 5 Quality Seeds for a Changing Env.Four o' Clock Flower: Germination: Sow indoors at a temperature of 65-80°F (18C-23C). Sow 4-6 weeks before last frost and at a depth of 4 times the diameter of the seed. Expect germination in 7-10 days. Seeds may also be sown outdoors after all danger of frost is past.
Growth: Transplant seedlings when there are at least two sets of true leaves. Space seedlings 1-1 1/2 feet apart in full sun or light shade. A slightly acid to alkaline (pH 6 to 8), light, well-drained soil is ideal, but Mirabilis is tolerant of poor soils. Also very heat tolerant. Feed monthly with a balanced fertilizer. Mirabilis will self-sow with abandon; even into Zone 7 the seeds will overwinter and plants will reappear year after year.
Appearance and Use: Often found growing in old homesteads, Four-O-Clocks will delight the unsuspecting by opening its abundant flowers around Four-O-Clock in the evening! It is a good mingler with other plants in borders and beds for a show that lasts from summer to frost. This vigorous plant, from 1 1/2-3 feet tall, produces soft, succulent, heavily branched stems that bear the fragrant, white, red, yellow, pink, or violet flowers. The flowers themselves are 1-2 inch long funnels that open in the evening and remain so through the night (and often in cloudy weather). Leaves are light green, smooth, and ovate from 2-4 inches long by 1-2 1/2 inches wide. Roots are tuberous. (10 Seeds)

Garden Balsam - Impatiens balsamina. 30 Quality Seeds for a Changing EnvironmentGarden Balsam Mixed Colour: Native to Southeast Asia, this erect, sparsely-branched, tender annual plant is a species of impatiens. These plants which grows upto 18 inches tall have thick-juicy stems and medium spiky edged light green leaves. Flowers can be single or double around 2 inches diameter, bloom singly or in small clusters from the leaf axils, close to the stem and the colour ranges from white, pink, rose, red, violet, bicolour etc. Each blossom has a columbine-like spur on the back. Sometimes called Touch-Me-Not as seeds explode from ripe pods when touched. (30 Seeds)

Garden Youth & Old Age - Zinnia Elegans. 40 Quality Seeds for a Changing Env.Zinnia elegans: Firstly you will require preparing a bed that receives sunlight for six to eight hours a day. Now dig the soil to a depth of approximately 8 inches and add manure or compost. This is necessary to increase exposure to air and improve drainage. Zinnias should be planted within four weeks before the last frost. When it comes to sowing seeds. You will require sowing two seeds per pot in damp seed starter and after that you can place these pots in a warm location like at the top of a heater to provide them with bottom heat. It sounds strange but it is a proven method to speed up germination process. You will see seedlings rising from soil after three to five days but remember that it all depends on the soil temperature. After seedlings have emerged and developed second set of leaves, they can be planted as one plant per pot.  When you feel sure that soil has warmed and threat of snow falling has passed, you can transplant them to a permanent location. While transplanting, extra care is needed because zinnias don’t like their roots to be distributed. (35 Seeds)

Gazania - Gazania. 30 Quality Seeds for a Changing EnvironmentGazania: Gazania, also called Treasure Flower, is native to South Africa. True to its name, these sun-loving blooms have a lot of uses to gardens and must be treasured. With rosette-formed flowers, vividly-colored petals in a spectrum of colors, and silver foliage, Gazanias can easily wow the eyes. They look pretty in containers, slopes, beds, borders, and as groundcover. Gazanias resemble daisies because they are both part of the family Asteraceae. Gazania blooms in all its glory during sunny seasons. It does not require pampering and can survive with basic needs – full sun, well-drained soil, and water. Truth is that Gazania needs watering only when the conditions are very dry. Just like any other flowering plants, Gazania will thrive in good soil, but if soil quality is quite a problem in your area, this tough plant can tolerate poor and sandy soils. (30 Seeds)

Globe Amaranth - Gomphrena Globosa. 30 Quality Seeds for a Changing EnvironmentOrange Globe Amaranth: Globe Amaranth is an annual bedding plant that grows 1-2 ft tall with a spread of about 1 ft. The branched stems are erect and stiff and the plant has a bushy appearance. The leaves are opposite, oblong, 4-6 in long, and wooly-white when young, becoming sparsely white-hairy as they age. Flowers are globular in shape, but actually consist of numerous individual flowers. The most common color is magenta, but there are also white, orange and pale mauve varieties. Gomphrena tolerates poor soils, heat and drought, and was once a favorite in British gardens. (25 Seeds)

Glorybind - Convolvulus Linn. 30 Quality Seeds for a Changing Env.Glorybind (Dwarf Morning Glory): Germination: Best sown indoors at 68-86° at a depth four times the diameter of the seed. Seeds will germinate in 10-15 days. Soaking the seeds will hasten germination. Seeds can also be sown outdoors in the spring after danger of frost. Again sow at a depth four times the diameter of the seed and soak the seed.
Growth: Transplant seedlings when there are at least two sets of true leaves. Space 10 inches apart in full sun in a sandy, light, well-drained soil. Very tolerant of poor, infertile soils; in fact, it will produce more flowers in poor soil. Also very drought tolerant and will self-sow around the garden.
Appearance and Use: A dwarf climbing vine that never-the-less needs support from a trellis or fence. Growth is only 12-16 inches tall, spreading 9-12 inches. The 1 1/2 inch diameter flowers in the shape of an open funnel are royal blue with a yellow and white edge. They appear in summer. The leaves are dark green, ovate to lanceolate, 1 1/2 inches long, and have red petioles.
*Grown as an annual but plants will overwinter as short-lived perennials in milder locations. (25 Seeds)

Gypsophila - Gypsophila elegans. 30 Quality Seeds for a Changing Env.Graceful Gypsphila: Gypsophila elegans is a fast-growing annual that provides flowers that are useful as a foil to larger blooms both in the garden and as a cut flower. It reaches a height of about 18" - 2' (45cm - 65cm), with glaucous light green leaves and open airy clusters of small white, sometimes veined, flowers with rounded petals. Plant in growing location after last frost. (25 Seeds)

Heartleaf Fig Marigold - Mesembryanthemum. 25 Quality Seeds for a Changing Env.Heartleaf Fig Marigold: A semi-trailing perennial variety growing 12 - 20cm. Five varieties of beautiful colours. Ideal for borders or baskets. (20 Seeds)

Herbaceous Peony - Paeonia lactiflora. 6 Quality Seeds for a Changing Env.Herbaceous Peony: Peony is a perennial plant native to Asia, southern Europe and western North America. This variety is a woody shrubs growing in height from 50 to 100cm tall. Leaves are dark green, deeply cut into lobes which looks like leaflets. Flowers are large, pink in colour, in late spring and early summer. This pink flower is an ancient variety, supposedly dating back as far as the 17th century. In the past, the peonies were often classified in the family Ranunculaceae, alongside Anemones. The peony is named after Paeon or Paean, a student of Asclepius, the Greek god of medicine and healing. Asclepius became jealous of his pupil; Zeus saved Paeon from the wrath of Asclepius by turning him into the peony flower. Peony has been cultivated in old monasteries in China and Japan in medicinal gardens for centuries. 
Plant seeds directly in a sandy loam, garden soil mixed with a little extra sand, perlite or aged bark nuggets for drainage. The pH should be near 7.0, which often means adding some garden lime to sweeten the soil.  Either plant directly in a seed bed or use pots with good drainage holes, 10-12” in diameter.  We prefer clay pots or root control bags for seeding, though plastic pots will work. Plant seeds about 1-" apart, 2" deep, and water well to settle in.  Seed orientation does not seem critical; the rootlet will find its way downward. At Cricket Hill Garden, we will sink the pot into the garden bed so it is protected in winter. Choose a site that is half sun, half shade. Cover over the seeds with 2-3 inches of mulch for protection from squirrels. If late summer and fall weather is hot and dry, water periodically to prevent drying. Normally, this is not needed after September. Later in autumn, in late November, add 2-3 more inches of mulch for winter protection. If conditions are right, the warm late summer weather will cause the seed to sprout and then cooler autumn temperatures will promote root growth until the freezing weather. Nothing will show above soil level until next spring. Some seeds will not germinate until the second spring. Do not be impatient. (6 seeds)

Hollyhock - Althaea rosea. 10 Quality Seeds for a Changing EnvironmentHollyhock: Most hollyhocks are technically biennials - producing leaves the first year and flowers the next. However they often last longer than two years and so can be described as short lived perennials.

Hollyhock seed is large, the number of seeds in a packet is relatively small - so it is best to sow the seed in trays filled with sandy soil to within 1 cm of the rim then cover with 1 cm of soil or seed compost.

Place the seed trays in a cold frame and shade them if the weather is warm.

When sowing in spring a greenhouse or warm frame is an advantage.

If space is limited, hollyhocks may be sown more thickly and transplanted as soon as they show a true leaf - either into trays or singly into small pots. Grow on and harden off carefully.

The beauty of the hollyhock flower is much enhanced when displayed against a background such as a grey wall, fence, tall green hedge or a border of evergreen shrubs - yet hollyhocks should not really be planted close to hedges or shrubs as they both usually have very hungry roots which will take the nutrients needed by the hollyhock plant.

Hollyhocks seem especially at home in country towns and suburbs and thrive well in corners and narrow flower borders near walls where they are protected in the winter from execessive wet conditions. They are very drought resistant. (10 seeds)

Jerusalem Cherry - Solanum pseudocapsicum. 20 Quality Seeds for a Changing Env.Jerusalem Cherry: Solanum pseudocapsicum is sometimes called "Christmas Cherry" or "Winter Cherry." It is an erect, bushy, evergreen shrub, often grown as a winter-fruiting annual. It has wavy-margined, elliptical leaves up to 3 inches long, which are a glossy, dark green. In summer it bears white flowers similar to those of tomato or pepper. These are followed by long-lasting spherical red, yellow, or orange-red fruit, 1/2 to 3/4 inch across. The fruit is the real interest of Jerusalem cherry which is often sold as a potted plant in the winter months.
Jerusalem cherry can be easily propagated by seed and by shoot cuttings. Seed sown in March will produce a fruited plant by late October. Grow the plant outdoors as you would a tomato, but bring inside before danger of frost in the fall (41°C is the minimum temperature this plant can tolerate). Water as needed to make sure the media does not dry out and fertilize regularly. If you are growing the plant indoors, make sure to shake or tap the plant while it is in flower to insure pollination. Good pollination is required for good fruit set. Once the fruit is well-developed, reduce fertilization and be careful not to overwater. In spring, cut back the plant to stimulate new growth. Then, grow outside or indoors. The plant should flower and produce fruit on the same schedule as the previous year.


Joseph's Coat-Amaranthus Tricolour. 30 Quality Seeds for a Changing EnvironmentJoseph's Coat: Plant grows to 80cm. It is a tall, perennial root herb with spikes of flowers which also look good in the flower border. It has a high tolereance to heat, cold and disease. A very adaptable and colourful plant for the sheltered, sunny border or conservatory/greenhouse. Joseph's Coat is an erect annual with long-stalked leaves, growing up to 5 ft tall. The leaves, up to 5 inch long, are notched or rounded at the tips. The flowers are whitish-green or red while the seeds are very small, black or red-brown. The leaves are used as vegetable. 
Medicinal uses:  Plant as a whole is used as a vegetable, and believed to have medicinal properties. It is used against external inflammation and is a treatment for bladder distress.(25 Seeds)

Larkspur - Consolida ajacia. 60 Quality Seeds for a Changing EnvironmentLarkspur: Larkspur is a fascinating member of the Buttercup family, with flowers almost as complex as the orchids and coloruful blooms covering a spectrum from white to blue to violet. When in bloom, these big flower spikes are lovely in the garden and indoors in vases. Colors include light and dark pink, blue, rose, lavender and white. Larkspur are members of the Delphinium family. There are many varieties of Larkspur, so it should not surprise you that they range in height from one to seven feet. Best of all, this tall growing flower burst into bloom in the spring when many other flowers are still weeks away. (40 Seeds)

Larkspur Rocket consolida - C. ajacis (Linn.) Schur. 50 Quality SeedsRocket consolida (Larkspur): Larkspur is an annual flower grown from wild flower seed. It normally grows between 24 - 36 inches tall depending on soil fertility and moisture. It usually has 2 - 3 forking stems which are branched. The leaves alternate and are 3 inches across, and they have a lacy appearance. The lovely 1 inch blooms come in a mix of colors: white, lilac, and pink. What a spectacular color display for the wild flower meadow, and they are so easy to establish from Larkspur wildflower seed. Larkspur blooms during the summer and lasts about 1 - 2 months. Each flower is replaced by a pod containing numerous small black wild flower seeds, and they are easily dispersed by gusts of wind. Larkspur, like many wild flowers, can re-seed itself if wild flower seed is allowed to drop on the ground. Seed will lay dormant until temperatures and moisture are sufficient to cause germination. To aid in the germination of Larkspur flower seeds, place the flower seeds on a damp paper towel, seal the towel and seeds in a bag and place in the refrigerator for 1 - 2 weeks. After removing the flower seeds from the refrigerator, directly sow the Larkspur flower seeds outdoors in prepared soil, keeping the seeds moist until germination. After blooms are spent, cut back hard to encourage a second bloom later in the season. The seeds and plants are poisonous so do not consume. (30 Seeds)

Lilac Pink - Dianthus superbus. 40 Quality Seeds for a Changing EnvironmentLilac Pink:

Limonium - Psylliostachy suworowii. 10 Quality Seeds for a Changing EnvironmentLimonium: Russian statice is an annual hairless herb, having an erect, branching habit, native to Soviet Central Asia, Iran and Afghanistan. It is characterised by rose pink flowers in tight, cylindrical spikes on 1-2 ft stems. Leaves are all at the base, oblong-lancelike, 10-12 cm long, entire or coarsely toothed. Scapes several, bearing a long terminal dense cylindrical spike and many sessile lateral ones, 10-15 cm long. Spikelets 2-3-flowered, 2-bracteate. Outer bract liner-subulate, 1.5 times as long as the inner bract. Sepal cup funnel-shaped, and sepals 5 in number. Flowers pink. This plant is excellent for border colour or can be cultivated as a pot plant. (10 Seeds)

Lupine - Lupinus L. 15 Quality Seeds for a Changing EnvironmentLupine: This group consists of handsome annuals, perennials and shrubs grown for their attractive spikes of pea-like flowers that come in an array of colors. Lupines (as they are popularly called) belong to the Pea family, Leguminosae, and are natives mainly of North America, though some are found in Europe. These plants will grow up to 4 feet (1.2m) high but this variety grows to 30cm - 40cm.

POTTING: The Lupines grow best in well-drained, sandy soil that is preferably slightly acidic. Garden soil should be dug deeply and enriched with compost or decayed manure. They should be placed in a sunny or partially shaded position. In deep, rich soil that doesn't dry out in the summer, Lupines will quickly grow into large, handsome plants. The young leaves of these plants are very susceptible to slugs. Deadhead to maintain vigour.

PROPAGATION: Cuttings of non-flowering side shoots may be taken in the spring or early summer. Seeds may be sown singly in 3-inch pots of sandy loam in a cold or slightly heated greenhouse or frame in March. They will be large enough to plant out in May. Many of them will produce small spikes of flowers in late summer. Seeds may also be sown directly outside in July in rows an inch deep and a foot apart. They will bloom the following year. (15 Seeds)

Marvels of Peru/Four o' Clock Flower - Mirabillis jalapa Linn. 20 Quality Seeds.Marvels of Peru/Four o' Clock Flower: This is a really beautiful flower, not much grown in the present but very popular during the Victorian period.The garden variety Four-o’Clock (Mirabilis jalapa) is also known as Marvels of Peru. Four o’clock received it’s name because of its habit of opening in the late afternoon. It is not actually the time of day that causes the flowers to open, but the drop in temperature. The flowers close the next morning, except on dull, cloudy days. An old fashioned favourite, Four o-Clocks are a fast growing bush plant. They grow to about 36"" with oval lance shaped leaves and trumpet shaped, fragrant flowers. Flowers may be shades of red, pink, yellow, white or striped. Mirabilis is a wonderful addition to an evening garden. Once even one flower opens, a rich fragrance is released into the surrounding air.

The plant thrives in all UK locations, blooming in early through late summer. Four o’clocks thrive in ordinary soil in full sun or partial shade, sending up numerous volunteer seedlings every year (even in cold parts of the country.)

Seeds may be sown directly into the garden in the Spring in warm areas. In other areas, start the seeds indoors about eight weeks before the final frost date in Spring for transplanting. Seedlings may be set in the garden at about the same time you would plant tomatoes. Allow about 12 inches between plants. Roots are tuberous and can be stored for planting in the Spring. Plants can also be divided in early Spring.

Butterflies are attracted to this fragrant plant. Four o’clocks are deer resistant. ""Mirabilis"" means ""Wonderful"" in Latin

NB:The seeds (small, black, wrinkled surface similar to a pepper grain) should not be eaten. (10 Seeds)

Mixed Colour Petunia - Petunia hybrida. 75 Quality Seeds for a Changing Env.Mixed Colour Petunia: These are tender perennials that are originally from South America. They are great for summer flowerbeds, greenhouses or window boxes. They form self-branching mounds that are bushy to cascading, 1 to 2 feet high. Their leaves are ovate to ovate-lanceolate, 4 to 5 inches long. The trumpet-shaped flowers may be single or double, 2 to 5 inches across. They come in all shades and may be edged, striped, or starred with a contrasting colour. Some are sweet smelling.Petunias love the sun and will not thrive in too much shade. They will flourish better in well drained, light soil rather than clayey ground because they love warmth. Even though Petunias are tender perennials, they are usually treated as annuals and raised from seed yearly. (50 Seeds)

Mixed Colour Stock - Matthiola incana. 50 Quality Seeds for a Changing Env.Mixed Colour Stock: Sow Stock flower seed indoors using small pots or starter trays 6 - 8 weeks before the last expected frost. Press the Stock flower seed into the soil and cover no more than 1/8 inch with soil. Matthiola Incana flower seeds need light and continuous moisture to germinate. Transplant into the garden 14 inches apart. (40 seeds)

Mixed Colour Verbena - Verbena hybrida. 45 Quality Seeds for a Changing Env.Mixed Colour Verbena: Garden Verbenas are a large group of hybrids, with mainly Verbena peruviana and Verbena platensis in their parentage. Verbenas are a major summer resource. They grow well in dry summer heat. They are good bedding and edge plants and they also make a good ground cover. Recommended Temperature Zone: All zone as annual. (35 Seeds)

Molucca Balm - Molucella laevis. 30 Quality Seeds for a Changing Environment.Molucca Balm: Molucella is commonly called Molucca Balm or Bells of Ireland. Whatever you call it there is little possibility you will mistake it for something else because nothing looks anything like it. Flower spikes are made up of tightly-packed pale to olive-green cups or inverted bells with thin white veins running through them. Open flowers often show distinctive flecks of white pollen. Stems are hollow and strong. Molucella is a very distinctive garden plant. Stems 30 - 70cm.

Monkey Flower - Mimulus moschatus. 100 Quality Seeds for a Changing Environment.Monkey Flower: Monkey flower is a highly diverse plant genus of about 150 species. We now recognize that there are two large groups of Mimulus species, the largest in western North America, and a second group with center of diversity in Australia. They are called monkey flowers due to the fact that when you squeeze them at the lower part of the flower, the flower opens, doing so repeatedly, gives the humerous illusion of a monkey. Most of the species are annuals and herbaceous perennials, but a few species are subshrubs with woody stems. The green leaves are highly serrated. Mimulus are versatile bedding plants for full sun or part shade. (75 Seeds)

For a full list of varieties in stock please see our on-line catalogue. We add new items regularly

This is new stock for the present growing season. All our seeds are supplied in sealed foil packets to maintain freshness and come with our unconditional germination guarantee. We have over 370 varieties of vegetable, salad, herb and flower seeds with many unusual varieties not normally seen in the UK. The small grower has the opportunity to sow and evaluate the crops from these seeds and the flower grower to add even more sparkle to spring and summer borders. In addition to trial sowings for germination made by the seed supplier we also do our own here in Kent and grow to maturity to check that local conditions are suitable for a variety. We also welcome feedback from our buyers about their experience, this helps increase our knowledge.  All seeds are to EU Rules and Standards.

We supply seeds to all countries within the European Union

Quality Seeds for a Changing Environment

Defra/Food & Environment Research Agency Licence No. 7417